All swimmers must be registered with United States Masters Swimming.  There are no guests or "try outs" unfortunately due to insurance liability requirements.

New swimmers are required to complete a 100 yard freestyle in two minutes.  We have this requirement for lane management and to allow the coaches to direct attention to all swimmers of varying levels in the pool.

To register with USMS, visit "Join or renew".  Select "TCYS - Talbot Masters" as the team when joining USMS.

Dues for our team are $90 per quarter.  Please make check payable to Talbot Masters and mail to P.O. Box 2503 Easton, MD 21601.  Do not bring payments to practice.  After the first payment, members will be setup on our billing platform with automated credit card payments.

Contact Mark at marko "AT" for further information about our dues and to get signed up for our group lists.