Bozeman Barracudas Training Groups​ 

Our training division structure has been designed to provide the best opportunity for each swimmer at each age, and at each level of development.  Our primary training divisions each overlap somewhat with age ranges to best suit individual athlete needs.  Each of these divisions allows multiple practices per-week commitments (with appropriate associated dues) and incorporates several sub-division group assignments to allow coaches to best match the technical, physical, competitive and social concerns of each athlete.  We understand the desire and encourage multi-sport/activity.  We want well rounded athletes and people.  Our structure allows 2-4 practices per week for more novice swimmers and 3-5 or 6+ practices per week for older, more competitive athletes so that we can appropriately accommodate the multi-activity swimmer, the fitness swimmer and the highly competitive swimmer.  We understand that life happens and schedules change.  Training days can periodically be modified to account for doctor visits, school activities, etc., with notice to and approval of the Group Coach.  See the following training group descriptions for additional information.


Development Division

In Development swimmers learn strong fundamentals in all 4 strokes, and discover that racing is fun.The Development Division is for our youngest and more novice athletes including those ages 5-12.  Training in this division focuses primarily on body awareness, proper swimming technique, general swimming vocabulary/knowledge, early competitive concepts, and having fun in the water and with our teammates.  We focus on technique rather than competitive results, understanding that mechanically sound swimming will ultimately result in competitive advantage and fewer injuries.  Swimmers in this division will improve stamina and strength, but will do so as a byproduct of our work on technique.  We hope our swimmers in the Development Division begin a life-long love for the sport.

The Development Division offers 2 or 3 practices per week and families should email the Development Coach their preferred practice days; some flexibility in attendance days due to schedule changes or other commitments is available.  Practices will be 45-55 minutes in length, depending on availability.


Challenge Division

The Challenge Division encompasses three subgroups to include swimmers that have attained a basic competence in the four competitive strokes, the ability to properly perform turns and race starts, and have an understanding of and have demonstrated general race strategies and techniques.  Challenge Division athletes are generally becoming more competitive.  Many will have specific time or process goals and may qualify for upper level swim meets.  Our training focus is always on stroke mechanics, but here we introduce endurance, speed training, and working to maintain proper technique when tired or swimming fast.  The Challenge Division generally includes swimmers age 8 to 14.

Challenge White: swimmers continue to build their technical skills and gradually increase their abilities, fitness, and attention to detail with an end goal of all 4 legal strokes and IM.

Challenge Teal: the process is elevated with constant feedback, and increased yardage and speed; swimmers learn to read the clock and stay on track on a "training set."

Challenge Blue: for those swimmers who have the drive to excel, who have strong fundamentals and a strong desire to improve, and who wish to build their aerobic base, skill, and strength that will help them achieve their full potential in our sport. They are interested in competing at Regional and Zone Competitions and above.

The Challenge Division offers 3, 4, or 5 practices per week training options. Practices will be 90-120 minutes in length, depending on availability. 


High School Ages Division

The High School Ages Division is for both our most experienced, competitive athletes as well as older swimmers that want to maintain fitness or prepare for HS swimming or other sports.  We implement detailed season training plans for the competitive athletes with the aim of performing exceptionally well at end-of-season meets ranging from the Montana State Championship meet to national level competitions. 

Senior Group is for high-school aged swimmers who have demonstrated ability, desire, and commitment to high level competitive swimming. They will be at the top of high school competition, scoring at State Championships, and are interested in participating in national level competitions such as Sectionals, Futures, Junior Nationals, US Open, and above.  Morning practices are available with Head Coach approval and registration at 6+ per week.

High School Silver is for swimmers entering high school this Fall, or who are currently in high school, who are coming from Teal or White groups.  A high school-aged swimmer in Challenge Blue who is not quite ready to move to Senior, but does not wish to remain in Challenge Blue and would like to progress towards a slot in Senior Group would be a good fit.

The Senior Division offers 3, 4, 5, or 6+ practices per week training options, depending on athlete goals and ability; two-per-day (afternoons and mornings) workouts are available for the most highly competitive athletes with Head Coach approval.  The HS Silver Division offers 3, 4, or 5 practices per week training options.  Practices for all HS Age Swimmers will be 90-120 minutes in length, depending on availability.


**Notes on Group Assignments**

Group Assignments and 'move ups' are coaching decisions. These are some of the most carefully considered decisions coaches make.  Many factors go into the  process including age, ability, technical ability, physical capacity and endurance, ability to maintain speed throughout a practice, ability to learn and lead a set, physical and emotional maturity, social needs, and more.  While there are many individual objective measures, the end result still includes a degree of subjectivity.  One of the worst mistakes in our sport is to advance too quickly and have the athlete perceive failure, or worse, allow improper technique in undeveloped muscles and joints to lead to injury.  Additionally, while a group change can happen at any point, we generally endeavor to keep training groups together for a season.  Swimmers are then evaluated and invited to advance at the end of each season based on the evaluation of their Group Coach, with oversight by the Head Coach.


Group Dues

The number after the group name indicates the number of practices per a week you would like to attend. Dues do not include Fundraising obligation, Registration fee or Volunteer Obligation deposit. Dues subject to change.


Development 2 $70/ month
Development 3 $80/ month
Challenge White 3 $90/ month
Challenge White 4 $100/ month
Challenge Teal/Blue 3 $100/ month
Challenge Teal/Blue 4 $110/ month
Challenge Teal/Blue 5 $120/ month
Senior/Silver 3 $105/ month
Senior/Silver 4 $125/ month
Senior/Silver 5 $140/ month
Senior 6+ $160/ month