Team History

The Bozeman Barracuda Swim Team was founded in the 1960s by dedicated parents interested in competitive swimming. The Barracudas have a successful program of over 150 swimmers, ranging from 5 to 22 years old.  Professional coaches guide beginning swimmers new to competitive swimming through our graduated levels of instruction and training. Barracuda Swimmers compete at meets across the state, at regional competitions throughout the Northwest, and at national level competitions. Current Barracuda Swimmers have over 80 Montana State Age Group Records.      

Bozeman Barracuda Organization

The Barracuda Swim Team is fortunate to be supported by one of the finest organizations in all of competitive swimming, USA Swimming. Each time a youngster joins the team, the swimmer’s parents automatically become members (and owners) of the Bozeman Barracuda Swim Club and inherit with that membership the responsibility to participate and support the activities of the team.

As owners of the 501(c)3 non-profit, charitable organization, parents elect a Board of Directors to oversee the programs and performance of the business. Professional coaches are hired with the responsibility of running the swim team. They are assisted in this task by a variety of parent volunteers.  

In accordance with our Bylaws, the Board of Directors is composed of nine members - the head coach and eight member directors.  Four member directors are elected for a two-year term each year at the Fall Banquet/Meeting of Members. Directors are charged with the ultimate responsibility of directing the financial affairs, establishing the culture and supervising the management of the team. Traditionally, the Barracuda Board of Directors has led by example, by being among the most active and experienced members.  The Barracuda Board of Directors elects officers from its members including:  President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  Additionally, the board welcomes athlete leadership at each Board meeting.