Profiles of the GAC Coaching Staff and GAC Board of Directors

Coaching Staff
Angelique Dousis Head Coach

Angelique grew up in Arlington, Texas, where she began swimming at the age of 8 years old. Angelique swam club with Mid-Cities-Arlington Swim Team year round as well as for her high school swim team before going on to swim at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Angelique graduated from MIT in 2003 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. Angelique coached MIT Masters Swimming while living in Boston before moving to Houston in 2004 to go to law school. In 2016, Angelique moved to Colorado where she was a coach for Boulder Aquatic Masters, the Fairview High School boys' swim team, and MESA Summer Swim League. In the fall of 2018, Angelique moved to Montana. Angelique is a practicing attorney and loves that she can continue to coach in Montana.

Price Richardson Assistant Coach
Price had an early start with swimming. He joined a summer league team in Shelby MT at age 5 and continued with that league through high school. He was fortunate to get a swimming scholarship to continue swimming for his college in Kentucky, qualifying for Nationals all four years. While in college, he continued teaching swim lessons and in the summers came home to Montana to coach the Columbia Falls summer league team and teach swim lessons at the Wave. After a decade of long distance adventures, he is excited to be back in the valley and coaching the Whitefish and Columbia Falls High School swim teams as well as Glacier Aquatic Club. 
Karen Bouda Assistant Coach

Karen swam competitively growing up in Ohio.  She has taught swim lessons for many years and supervises swim lessons at The Summit.  Karen enjoys identifying new prospective swimmers for GAC in the swim lesson program.  She began working for KATS as a sub/fill-in coach for 2 years and then in 2015, Karen started to work with the beginning/novice KATS.  She continues to work with new swimmers on the newly merged Glacier Aquatic Club team and assists the other groups when

Bridgette Maltby Assistant Coach

A life-long swimmer, Bridgette started in the pool at the age of 9 years old in Wisconsin. She swam through high school and college and continues to swim for the U.S. Masters. Coaching has always been a passion and once she graduated high school, she started coaching for the same YMCA swim team she once swam for.  Now fifteen years later, she has coached for the Fox Cities Swim Team of Wisconsin, Great Falls Peak Waves Swim Team, Electric City Masters Swim Team and now is grateful to be a part of the Glacier Aquatic Club. Swimming has brought her so many life-long friends, travel opportunities and incredible memories.  More than anything, she hopes to support and nurture the same passion and love for the sport that she has. 

Suzanne DeVore Assistant Coach

Coach Suzanne began swimming in El Paso, TX at the age of 6 on a summer-league team. While she did not pursue swimming in college, she began swimming Masters in her 20’s at Santa Clara Swim Club in California. After moving back to TX, she coached the swimming portion of a youth triathlete team & a masters team in the Woodlands for several years. After moving to MT, she began coaching the Wave Ryders and now Glacier Aquatic Club.  Suzanne continues to swim with the adult team at the Wave. She enjoys open water competition, especially in the ocean. Suzanne’s love for swimming has only increased throughout the years. She prefers to focus on good technique in the water & work one-on-one with kids who want extra coaching. In addition to swimming, Suzanne loves hiking, skiing, CrossFit, & cooking.

Tara Cannava Assistant Coach
Evan Burger Assistant Coach
Victoria Weber Assistant Coach
Board of Directors
Shawn Hummer President - 2022 - 2024 503.812.9862
Nolan McGaughy Vice President 2023 - 2025
Jennifer Johnsen Treasurer/Secretary 2022 - 2024
Andrea Schroeder Board Member: 2022-2024
Jonnette Sibson Board Member
Matthew Weber Board Member
Dianne Dotter Board Member