Happy Saturday

RRV Wahoo Board of Directors

Parent Meeting: See the Zoom link below for the recording from our 4/15 parent meeting. Please watch the Zoom for all the details.  We discussed pool updates, upcoming long course season, swimathon, finances and the new coach travel fee that will be implemented for long course season.

For the Long Course Season, a flat rate travel fee (per swimmer) will be charged to help cover the cost of the Coaches’ travel to and from away meets.  Having coaches on deck with our swimmers is essential.  The travel fee for away meets that do not require an overnight stay will be $25, with the club picking up any remaining cost.   For away meets that require overnight stays, the travel fee will be $65, with the club picking up any remaining cost.  Should a large number of our swimmers participate in an away meet, the meet travel fee will be billed out at actual cost if less than $25 or $65.  We always encourage all our swimmers to travel to away meets. 

**this fee does not apply to Sectionals. This fee will be discussed at a later date


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May Dual: We are excited to kick off our long course season. Don’t forget to sign up for our HOME May 18th Dual! We encourage ALL long course swimmers to participate.

Team Records: Coach Walls has updated our Wahoo Team Records! We have some new record holders currently on our team. Keep up the awesome swimming Wahoos!! /ndrrvy/UserFiles/Image/QuickUpload/wahoo-team-records-updated-4_010334.docx

Summer Meets: Our meets are on the website and ready for you to declare your swimmer. We are just waiting on the meet file from Sioux Falls