Dues Schedules beginning September 2023

Learn-to-Swim is billed monthly for convenience to our members.  Members are responsible for the fees for the entirety of the session.

Blue Group, 2x per week: $170 monthly

2x per week lessons, except Blue: $165 monthly

1x per week (45-60 minutes) lessons: $95 monthly

1x per week (30 minute) lessons: $80 monthly

Joining Fees

  • For 1st Family Member:  Flounder, Mackerel, Cod or Blue $75; 5 & U $30
  • Joining Fee for additional family member: $50 for Flounder, Mackerel, Cod, Blue; $30 for 5&U.

Family Dues Discounts:

        Learn-to-Swim:  25% off the 3rd LTS child and each child there after

Dues are due on the 1st of each month, for example, October dues should be received by October 1st.  A $10 late fee will be applied if payment is not received by the 20th of the month, e.g., payment for October dues needs to be received by October 20th to avoid late fee.  Auto pay by credit card or ACH on our website is the preferred method of payment but checks/cash are accepted.  Checks should be mailed to the CCSC office:  CCSC, 4 DiCarlo Dr., Plymouth, MA 02360.