Competitive Team
QuickSilver Santa Cruz is a nationally ranked Silver Medal USA Swimming team, with training groups ranging from 5-year-old swimmers to college athletes. 

In Santa Cruz County we practice year-round at Simpkins Family Swim Center, Soquel High School, Scotts Valley, and Watsonville High School pools.
Our lesson program is the building block of your child's swimming success.  We simplify the teaching process and prepare your athlete to progress in their swimming journey. 

Stroke Development
We offer various levels of Stroke Development, all with the aim of progressing toward competitive swim level, and refining stroke and conditioning for aspiring high school and water polo swimmers pre-and post-swim season. Stroke Development is offered ongoing at select locations. 

Masters Swimming

Physical Activity as you age is essential for a higher quality of life.  We motivate each other to stay active, have fun and challenge ourselves to be at our best.