Our priority is to support your athlete and help them be their absolute best. This statement dictates our decision making. 


Become and Official- https://www.gomotionapp.com/team/pcqs/page/parent-info/become-an-official1

Billing- You must email [email protected] (any other email address is not acceptable) by the 15th of the prior month to stop being billed. We will bill you if we are not notified at the appropriate email address. 

Fees: 200 dollar annual fee and a 75 dollar midseason fee which is waived if you find a sponsor

Meets: We attend one meet a month with two meets durning championship season (which is the end of the season).  We have three seasons a year: Fall, Winter/Spring and Summer. QSS meets in Santa Cruz county are a priority and QSS meets in San Jose are next in line for meet attendance. After that we attend Z1 south meets. Senior Swimmers follow the Sr. meet Schedule. It is impetitive Sr. Swimmers participate in a targeted rest meet. 





Waivers: https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/5cngdprn5brpjqr8r9frpa/web/


Registration for Comp (add new swimmer to cart): https://www.gomotionapp.com/team/pcqsc/page/team-registration. 

Stroke Development: https://www.gomotionapp.com/team/pcqsc/page/team-registration?event_id=912166


Parent support: We are all in this to positively support your athletes and help them be their best. Positive talk towards your children increases performance. Coaching your athlete is the role of the coach, if you want to apply for a position, please email [email protected]. Staying in assigned parent areas results in an environment for effecient coaching. We are looking for volunteers, if you have an area you are passonate about, please let us know.