Swimming made fun for all experience levels

Our team is a friendly group of adults with a wide range of motivations for coming to the pool - to be social, to train for national-level competition and triathlons, to get in shape for summer vacation, to prove to themselves they can learn something new regardless of age.


All levels welcome

From competitive national-level masters and tri-athletes, to fitness fanatics, to people just learning to swim.

Professional coaches

Professional coaching staff who provide specialized training and technique development.

Social events

A friendly, inclusive, and supportive community that extends beyond the pool.

Upcoming Events

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which adult swim program is right for me?

    In the interest of safety, and to make sure swimmers at all levels are getting the attention they need and deserve, we have a fitness requirement for joining our adult swim team. The minimum fitness requirement is the ability to comfortably and continuously swim 50 yards freestyle with side breathing, 25 yards backstroke or breaststroke, and 25 yards of flutter kick on the back.

    Not sure what we mean by "side breathing"? Click this link to see an example.

    Not sure what we mean by "flutter kicking"? Click this link to see an example.

  • How do I join?

    Email our Head Coach, Megan Waters (she/her), at [email protected]. Let her know your name, swim background/skill level, and which program you're interested in. She will get back to you with registration instructions.

    All QSS Masters members must be registered with United States Masters Swimming (USMS), the national organization for adult swimming. While you are waiting to hear back from Coach Megan, go ahead and join USMS or renew your USMS membership. Our team code is QSSSJ - enter this to link your USMS membership to Quicksilver Masters.

  • Can I try it out first?

    For swim team, you get TWO free trial workouts. Let Coach Megan know which practice(s) you want to attend. Some of our facilities have gate codes or other restrictions.

  • What is the cancellation policy?

    For swim team participants, billing is automatically processed on the 1st of each month. To cancel or place your account on hold, email Coach Megan at [email protected] at least 5 days prior to the 1st of the month.

    For learn-to-swim participants, billing occurs at the time of registration. We do not make cancellations or refunds, but we do allow you to choose in advance the dates that you will attend, and you can always start with a few classes and add more later.

Ready to join?

Masters Registration

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