
Tyler Messerschmidt

By Makena Markert, Swimming World College Intern. Have you ever felt like you were doing everything you possibly could to get better and weren’t seeing results? Consider trying these FIVE things that require absolutely no talent. If you incorporate them into your life, you just might see the improvements you’ve been looking for! READ MORE...

Troy Buglio

By Chandler Brandes There is no such thing as a perfect swimmer. As swimmers, we sometimes (although rarely) make mistakes. We may DQ, forget our heat and lane, or even accidentally-on-purpose rip our cap at the exact moment a hard set is about to begin. Read More:

Troy Buglio

As a former competitive swimmer on a year-round swim team (I swam throughout the year, except during mid-August to early September), I hold on to countless lessons that my swimming experience has imparted. Swimming is arguably one of the hardest sports, regardless of how easy professional swimmers make it out to be. Regardless of how good a swimmer you were, all swimmers can testify that the mentality of swimming continues not only inside the pool, but also outside the water. Read More:

Troy Buglio

When your child joins a USA Swimming Club and is placed in a team, expect to attend a “swim meet”, which is usually once a month and each swim meet usually last 2-3 days. It is basically an event where your local swim club and other swim clubs from the same LSC (still not sure what a LSC is? Check my earlier post here) “meet” and have their swimmers race against each other in various events. It also provides an opportunity for the swimmers to put into practice what they...

Troy Buglio

Summers seem busier and busier with more and more meets. That leads to the question of when do your kids take a break? Many schools start in August and the swim season ends at the same time, too. That doesn’t give kids time off between the big summer target meets and school. Hopefully your kids have time off between school and the pool, but even if they don’t, the time off from swimming will make their first school days easier. READ MORE:

Troy Buglio

Hot weather is coming, and that means your athletes are at a higher risk of becoming dehydrated during practices and games. And even mild dehydration can impact athletic performance, as well as an athlete’s general health. Losing just two percent of an athlete’s bodyweight through sweat loss can change how an athlete is feeling and performing, whether they are sprinting at a track meet or participating in a day-long volleyball tournament. Here, TrueSport Expert Stephanie Miezin, MS, RD, CSSD, is sharing what you need to know to help athletes stay...

Troy Buglio

Heading into the spring can only mean one thing in the world of swimming – long course season is here! For those who spend the majority of the season training short course, the shift to racing (or training) in a pool more than twice as long can be rough at times. Here are six tips for a successful transition from short course to long course this season. READ MORE:

Alice Godfred

By Isabelle Robuck No one else compares to your favorite swim coach. Think about it now; what makes your coach the best? Most swimmers deeply relate to their coaches through shared work ethic and discipline, training style, and – most importantly – their infinite words of wisdom. READ MORE

Troy Buglio

Four OCA swimmers qualify and become Scholastic All Americans: Emmitt Ralston Matthew Williamson Evan Liu Jakson Winn The boys are 4 of 1,281 athletes in high school who have maintained a minimum 3.5 GPA and qualified for winter juniors

Troy Buglio

The swimming season is a long haul. Here is the swimmer’s guide to staying fired up for the duration of the year. Think of this list as your little Swiss army knife of motivation. Bookmark it, and save it for those days where you need a jolt of inspiration to get back to the pool. And here we go: