The RTSC Gators dive team is a full length summer program from late May to early August. As apart of the  Delco Swim and Dive League , we are a competitive and fun team of nearly 30 co-ed divers from ages 8 & under all the way to 18 & under. Head Coach Tim Beck, and assistant coaches Phil Ann Dixon & Haley Cubler  dedicate their summers to our divers to ensure they advance their diving skills, feel a part of a team and most important enjoy their summer diving experience. Between weekly Varsity meets, Invitational meets, team bonding events, the RTSC Gators dive team is a great sport to be a part of. 
Delco Swim and Dive League Champions; 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2023. 
Swimming/Diving Registration Fees for 2024 Season are as follows:
  • $65 per person
  • $20 per family activity fee (includes baskets for Bingo & Meet of Champs)


Any new swimmer/divers please fill out this link  here
For more information on joining or becoming apart of this years team contact Lauren Rae Check out the full calendar  here .


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