Week 6 Coaches Corner

Friends of Goodman Waves

Hello Goodman Waves!


Great job at the meet this past weekend! We won our third meet of the season and had a ton of best times! Results and scores can be found on the All City website ( https://allcityswimdive.org/ ). 



Practices will be at normal times this week! We will be working with everyone on a lot of individual work and small tech things that we can fix before this last dual meet and of course All-City!



Swim meet on Saturday is at Middleton! Please sign up by Wednesday night. In order to be considered for relays and to guarantee swimming in the meet this is a strict deadline. Please sign up if you are available to have another chance at racing before All-City. More details about warm ups will be shared later this week.



When your swimmer signs up for a meet or you sign your swimmer up for a meet that means you have committed to swimming at the meet. When we have kids dropping out after the deadline has closed, that puts a big strain on the coaches who put a lot of effort into making relays and organizing the meet to happen. This also affects the team! Not having your relay member show up makes the relay illegal and in some cases not able to swim. Please don't be the reason other teammates aren't able to swim in their event! We do not always have back up swimmers to put in that specific age group. Please keep this in mind for the upcoming meets! 



The dates for All-City are July 27th-29th at the Goodman Pool. Sign up is open now! Please sign up by Thursday July 20th! If you have any questions about your swimmer swimming or how All-City works in general please ask the coaches. We want to have the biggest team we've had yet as this is our year to host!


See you tomorrow! 



Coach Jadyn
[email protected]