Week 7 Coaches Corner

Friends of Goodman Waves

Hello Goodman Waves!


Welcome to All-City week!!!!


Great job at the meet this past weekend! Results and scores can be found on the All-City website ( https://allcityswimdive.org/ ). 



Practices will be at normal times this week Monday through Wednesday! Please try your best to come to all practices as each day will build upon the last and help you have a perfect swim at All-City!  On Wednesday we will also be decorating our team banner to put up at All-City and there will be the All-City caps being handed out again for those that didn’t get one yet. Everyone should wear their bright pink All-City cap for all days of All-City to represent swimming at your home pool and hosting All-City!


All-City Warm ups:

We will be having warm ups on Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning of All-City for those swimmers who want to get one more practice in before their races. This will be from 6:45 am -7:15 am on the days your swimmer swims. Please do not come on the days you are not racing. 



This is a link that takes you directly to the order of events and what days they will be  https://swim.goodmanallcity.com/meet-info/timeline-schedule/ . Please take a look and plan ahead for when your swimmer is swimming. This goes for relays too. Please don’t back out last minute or not show up for a relay your swimmer is a part of. The coaches have spent weeks now planning All-City relays and all swimmers should be excited to be a part of a relay. It really affects the team if your swimmer shows up late or not at all. Please don’t be the reason other swimmers don't get to swim. 



1. For the reason that wifi/internet may be spotty at All-City my phone number is (608)438-3224. If you are running late or for any other reason you may need to let coaches know of something please just text. I will have a hard time looking at emails during the meet. 

2. Please keep in mind that clerking of events usually starts 30-45 minutes before the event even starts. Leaving early wont hurt! Everyone gets clerked!

3. It is supposed to be extremely hot this week. Please make sure you are drinking enough water this whole week. Hydrating now will only help you swim faster at All-City. Make sure you are also resting up and not doing any other strenuous activity. This is a time to rest! I also am encouraging that swimmers go home and get out of the heat between events if there is a long enough break. 

4. No watches can be worn at All-City. The coaches will do their best to remind swimmers but if parents could just remind kids too that would be great. To be safe try to not have anything on your wrists or ankles during your swims. 


Swimming in the Fall/Winter/Spring:

I know that All-City is not over yet but the coaches wanted to mention that we really encourage you to look into club swimming during the rest of the year. It helps kids to keep improving and stay active! There will be a few club tents at All-City that would be a great option to look at if interested. The coaches also have a lot of experience with different clubs in Madison and can help answer questions if you have any!


See you tomorrow! 



Coach Jadyn

[email protected]