Santa Cruz Swimming Scholarship Application Procedure

Welcome to Santa Cruz Swimming!

Within the scope of our finances, Santa Cruz Swimming (SCS) is pleased to offer financial assistance to swim families and swimmers with genuine need.  However, we are a non-profit organization that, unfortunately, is not able to grant all the scholarships requested.  If your application is approved and later you find your financial circumstances substantially improve, please inform SCS immediately, so another family might be able to benefit.

SCS Scholarships are awarded based solely on NEED.  SCS Scholarship awards reduce monthly dues, but still require parents/guardians to contribute to fundraising goals and volunteer hours, and also require swimmers participate in at least 2/3 of their weekly practice group times.

Proof of need is required for SCS Scholarship approval.   A current USDA “free or reduced lunch” award letter from your swimmer’s school district will suffice as proof of need.  Please note the award letter expires in the Fall of each year; the SCS scholarship expires at the end of the calendar year.  Applicants will need to resubmit a scholarship application along with a current district letter in the fall to be considered for a new SCS scholarship. All information provided to SCS will be held in the strictest of confidence.

If you would like to be considered for a SCS Scholarship, please complete the Scholarship Application and Scholarship Agreement on the next pages. The Agreement specifies the SCS scholarship benefits and the family and swimmer’s obligations to be fulfilled to retain the scholarship once awarded.

Once completed, place your Application and Agreement, along with your “free/reduced lunch” letter in a sealed envelope.  Mark the outside of the envelope:  “SCS Board of Directors Scholarships” and place the envelope in the SCS Payment box at the Pool, or deliver by US mail to: SCS Treasurer, P.O. Box 1616, Soquel CA 95073.

You may apply anytime.  Scholarships become effective on the 1st day of the month following approval, so unless you are able to pay at least one month’s full dues, your swimmer should not start swimming until your application has been approved (Swimmers are allowed one free week to try out the team to determine if they wish to join SCS).  Again, any monthly dues accrued before approval will not be covered by scholarships.  Please allow up to 30 days for processing. 

You will be notified of your scholarship status shortly after the next upcoming board meeting. The board of directors generally meets before the third Thursday of each month.

Below is a link to the SCS Scholarship Application and the SCS Scholarship Agreement:
