Sunshine/Storytime players Theatre jungle book

Sherry Johnson

Dress tech! Well done! I put voice note above.  

Call time (the time for you to arrive) is 1:45.  

Normally it’s great to be early, but I’m usually vacuuming, setting up and getting things ready, I can’t be available for helping and questions until 1:45.  

See you all toMorrow! Two shows 3:00 and 7:00 

Call times 1:45 and 5:45

5/6: I think we can all agree that tonight was rough.  I would like to say first that  you all are doing a good job with what you have been given.  To rehearse once a week, PLUS have class time in that rehearsal time, you've done really well.  As young performers you need more rehearsal/class time so that you can learn HOW to practice at home.  Even the older kids meet twice a week.  I am super proud of each of you and the work that you've done.  BUT we can do better.  So let's get started. 

Please use the video's in the VIDEO section of the app.  If you go to the menu, which is the 3 lines on stacked upon the other, you'll see a section called Video.  click on that and you'll see "is this my home" "Jungle Law" and scroll down and you will see "Jungle Book Monkey Dance".  Please go over that tonight and tomorrow night so that Wednesday we can anticipate the dances and songs.  

the opening song,"Keep the jungle law" needs to be sung by everyone back stage.  and the wolves from their den.  Remember, once you put your costume on, you're in character.  Think about how your character sits, how do they move? How do they jump? how do they eat? 

Raksha and Akela, yall need to be the loudest.  1. because you are the authority 2. because you're literally the oldest and most experienced. :) 

Everyone: let's go beyond memorizing and reciting our lines.  What does your line mean? why is your character saying it? Then you'll know why and when to say your line.  

Tabiki: can we get a little more ... mischievious ? Think about how you'd act if you were trying to trick your parents into telling you what they got you for your birthday.  Tabiki is hungry and he's hanging around with a bad dude.  and slow down your lines , you have some fun lines, make sure you don't throw them away - meaning saying them so slow that the audience misses it.  

Riki Tiki : remember your movements, big big bigger with the twists and turns.  You are fun, crazy and loads of energy.  

Akela: your "OUT" toward Tabiqui needs to be the loudest thing you say.  

Shere Khan: let's record that roar on Wednesday first thing. 

EVERYONE: Scene changes need to be faster.  I will hang an order of scene backstage, but please anticipate the next scene> There is no changes to be made, just people.  We will fade lights, like night fall and then back to day, so the audience will know that time has passed, but that's your cue to hussle and get into place.  

I love what Sher khan and Tabique are doing as monkies running acorss the upstage.  But don't lose that monkeyness when you get back around.  

EVERYONE: you're all supposed to say, very loudly, JUNGLE LAW when Akela says "You know the law, Jungle Law" then everyone says "JUNGLE LAW!!!"

Baloo: When Bagheera get's in your face with "What do you know of softness you iron footed baloo" stomp off.  AS they stomp off, monkies should enter.  Let's have the monkies enter up stage.  (Evelyn and Evie, yall still cross, that's cute) That will avoid the traffic jam on stage right as baloo and bagheera are exiting.  

MOWGLI SONG: happens before Monkies come on.  So Mowgli, sing your song after baloo and bagheera exit "what do you know you iron footed baloo", come on and sing your song, everyone else will join you (if you're in monkey suit, be monkey -it's ok) Then everyone exits except mowgli, Mowgli will sit back as monkies dance. 

JUNGULA DANCE: Brooklyn, Sophia, Elizabeth, Erin, and Evelyn will come on in their costumes for JUNGULA dance will happen after Shere Khan says " it is time" 

Shere Khan, slow down your pacing as you are circling the wolves. The audience should wonder if you're going to eat them or convince them to be your own people.  

Baloo: your still pretty mad at bagheera when you come back on for "Better than he would be if he did not know the law" 

Bagheera: I can see you're moving more and more like a cat/human.  It's getting there, so keep it up and do more 

Bagheer and Baloo, it probably wasn't clear because we didn't have the limb to rest on, but I never intended on yall sitting on the limb.  Just mowgli.  yall fall asleep beside or beneath the limb.  

Mowgli, your fire stick is behind the curtain you are standing next to.  Remind me wednesday and I'll show you. 

Monkies, the food you bring Mowgli, is off stage left.  I may change it out for something different, but for now, it is a fruit tray. 

it kind of falls apart big time after page 10.  Baloo Look over 6 and 7.  

keep up the good work.  "Good better best, never let it rest, till your good gets better, and your better gets best".  Ella fitzgerald.  It's not about perfection, just doing better each time. 


4/29: here is the link for the Jungle Book Tee Shirt    You can order when you are ready and we won't run out!  

4/23  great job tonight, thank you for getting off book!!! Yay!! Some of you know your lines really well, but aren’t sure when to say them.  That will come as long as you are actively listening during rehearsals 

TICKETS: can be purchased on our website 

VOLUNTEER: you can also see the show for free if you volunteer. Just send us a message and we will get that worked out.  We need 1 usher per show, 2 activities people per show, and 1 concessions person per show. 


4/8/24 We need to get off book.  Yall are doing good, but we really need to not need scripts next week.  I have emailed the "learn your lessons" rap ... we just need to get it better than a reciting level.  

Please make these notes in your scripts, it will help you remember. 

AMARI: hands on hips when you say, "I am older, I can do it!"  then when Akela says no, I want to see you slump, you’re so sad at that point. 

THE HUNT song is so good !  I just need more volume.  

Akela: make sure you wait till wolves get back to the cave to say "soon, you will go soon". 

RIKI TIKI: make sure and do your hand movemments with your lines

RAKSHA:  you step down when Akela says "without warning" 

I will have sound effects next week. 

Akela, move all the way back up to cave for after "man? Argh!" then say your line.  When Sher Khan enters, you can step down to cave entrance, but stay there. 

Jungula dance will come between (this is a change) Council rock and "lessons learned" rap. This means that after the cave scene, yall will exit through dressing room and come onto the stage.  Young wolves exit stage left and Akela and Raksha exit SR. Then enter on that same side, but downstage. 

When Bagheera yellsl at baloo, they exit Stage left and monkies enter stage right, dancing.  Then Mowgli enters and monkies circle Mowgli. 

During Council Rock, Bagheera will give Mowgli the Jeweled knife after he says his speech about the fat calf payment. 

BALOO: you say "come little brother Down Stage Left and then over Down Stage Right.  Then you cross saying "Where are you" and you’re back stage left for "little Broth" 

MOWGLI:  you need to be walking down stage, very proud because the monkies have just told you that you’re going to be king.  Your cue to move down stage is "Where are you" and you should be in place before Baloo turns around.  

MOWGLI:  you’ll dance around and WOLVES will join you for "we’ll throw dirt at baloo" dance until Baloo yells "Mowgli" and wolves run off.  

Bagheer and Baloo, please remember when you grab Mowgli, Baloo needs to be holding Mowgli when she says "let me go" 

NEXT WEEK: we will learn monkey dance and block Monkey city and the final council rock.  Then we start running the show!  We only have 4 more weeks till our show! PARENTS: Can I have the kids for an extra rehearsal on Wednesday May 8th from 5-6pm? 

3/25 :  We are almost done with blocking.   run through play next week and then learn and record music.  I’ll send recordings via eamil.  Please get off book.  Memorize your lines and when you say them.  Off Book DATE: APRIL 8th   We will start with Council Rock and Shere Khan trying to lead the group where Mowlgi brings the red flower


2/21: we read through almost the script, finish up reading the script and Highlight your lines.  After that, read through it again and concentrate on the things your character does, but doesn’t say.  Where do they move?  How do they feel when someone else is talking about them, to them or just around them. 



Mowgli: Eliora 

Baloo: Sophia

Bagheera: Brooklyn

Nia: Elizabeth

Amari: Emily

Tabiki: Evie

Riki Tiki: Erin

Shere Khan: Evelyn 

Mother wolf: Carolyn

Father wolf: Skylar


1/21: CLOSED MONDAY - I am so sorry, but I do not know if I will be able to make it in Monday.  I am going to try around 2:00, but since I just can’t make any promises, we will meet on FRIDAY for class.  I hope that you all can make it, but if you can’t, I will upload a video of some things you can work on until we are together the following Monday. 

FRIDAY:  we will start with dance at 4:15.  Theatre at 5:00 and Vocal Tech at 6:00.  I will be filling in for Mr Drew for Vocal Tech. 

Stay safe out there!  At least we are getting warmer this week... wet, but!



This is where we will keep all notes for Sunshine/Storytime players 

1/15 We had a good time learning about facial expressions and articulation.  I can’t wait to see what yall do with it in person next week.  Stay warm and safe! 


Today we spent a lot of time learning how to be super observent and great listeners.  We will play some of the games again next week.  About Mid Feb I should be able to start handing out Jungle Book parts.  We will still spend the majority of class working on skills, and then the last part of class learning music or rehearsing scenes.  It was fun meeting our new students! 


Good evening actors, instrumentalist, dancers and singers! Tomorrow is the big day! 

I will be arriving around 11 to set up, set people will be there around 10. There’s so much to do to get ready for you and your show! I will not be checking emails after 7pm tonight.  I probably won’t have my phone on me most of the morning tomorrow.  Please read this carefully.  

Arrive at 1:30 through the side door.  If you are looking at the front windows of the Hickman building/cherry theatre (sculpture to your left) then you will drive around to the right and enter through that side door. Keep going straight to check in at the table.  I will be there at 1:20 (probably not sooner) to let you in.  

Once you have checked in, the backstage buddies will take you to a place you can set your things down and report to the stage. (no costumes for this part)

At 1:35 we will run the show with tech crew. There may be a lot of stopping. Please wait silently. This is super important to be quiet.  

After we run the show with Tech, we will take a short break and grab some food, Thanks to Chick-Fil-A for their donation and some friends who also donated money and Ms Sue who put it all together!   PARENTS: they will not have time to leave and come back, so we will take good care of them and feed them and keep them safe and having the best time! I do have some senior theatre students, not involved in this show, helping back stage.  

After our break we will either run the show again without tech, with tech (if they need it) or just scenes and dances.  (we’re going to be super flexible here) 

At 5:40 we will have everyone stop to get into costume.  

At 6:30 we will ask that everyone gather in the hallway for "preshow prep and costume care" this is where we make sure you have all the pieces you need and that your costume is in tip top shape.  We will also have a moment of prayer (if that makes you uneasy, you may have a moment of quiet on your own) Then we will do energy! just a vocal technique that helps us all focus on each other, listen and collaborate. We will teach you tomorrow if you don’t know how to do this. It’s super easy and fun.  

Once you are dressed you will be asked to hang out in the hall where we can see you and reach you easily.  (parents, the hall is guarded on both sides by double doors that will be closed and locked. We also have a volunteer stationed at the side in which you entered.  We ask that you do not see your actor/singer in costume until the show - just makes it more fun and magical!) 

at 7pm you will likely be called to "places" and it’s SHOWTIME! 

After the show, please hang up your costumes neatly.  Your parents can sign you out at the same table they signed you in. PARENTS: please send the same person to pickup performer as you did to drop off. 

MUSICIANS: you may leave at 3pm.  Please dress hoiday festive, your sunday best or all black.  Your choice! 

SUNDAY:  call time is 12:30.  I know some will be rushing in after church, just sign in and go directly to your costume.  

at 1:30 we will gather in the hall for pre-show prep. 

at 2pm you will likely be called to places.  

sometimes there is a "HOLD" OR "PLACES HOLD" that means that people are still being seated and we’re going to let them get settled before we turn the lights out in the audience.  It’s super important to be flexible, stay in a focused mindset of who your character is, and be silent. 

You all are ready for this!  be flexible, I already know of one slight change (which I think the cratchet family will like), but there is likely to be more.  Please use your creative thinking skills to find solutions to things that pop up.  If you have questions, ask your backstage buddy or the closest back stage buddy.  Remember, Ms Krista, Ms Jamie and myself need to be able to hear the tech crew and be constantly focused on that; it could cause a  mess up or even a series of mess ups to be pulled away even for just a moment.  

After the show sunday, there will be three bins, one for washable clothes, shoes and the third for non washable (like hats, cloaks, jackets). Please sort your costumes accordingly, lay out your costume bags on the couch in the food area and sign out at the same table you signed in. 

You’re all done! 

Eva and Alli will be backstage to help you and they have lots of experience. Alli expecially! 

Good better best.... you know the rest! 



I hope you all fee good about tonights rehearsal! It’s still got room for improvement, as does everything, but, we have a show. 

Bella, well done keeping up with your part and lines and movement.  Sorry we ended up moving your work desk, You’ll be on a stool, so you can turn and watch as Fred gives Scrooge what for, then stand and applaud him.  :)  

Agnarys and Caroline, be ready to move each time a scene changes.  All scene changes, ideally, will happen while there is dance or music happening.  there are a only few exceptions. 

No party goers staying at Fizziwigs for the scene with Belle and Scrooge - blank stage - which means, party goers need to carry off all items; table cloth, table, food, drinks, etc.  

Tiny Tim takes Taekwondo on Tuesdays

Bella, when you set Tiny Tim down, you can use the chair, Tiny Tim (sophia) will step off onto the chair and then sit or step downstage.  

Keep in your mind to use the whole stage, especially the downstage area, when we move to Cherry Theatre.  

I’m still waiting on some socks and tights and a white skirt. 

Agnarys needs a boys outfit.  

Amelia Grace, I want you to be a kid until you’re a Laundress please.  

CURTAIN CALL -this is the order in which you bow.  There are two ways this can be done, the order in which you appear on stage, or the order of character billing (size of part), we’re not doing either :)  We’re doing what works because we have a finale!  

here is the video  We need you to learn the part starting at 2:07 and through to the end of the song.  have fun with it!    the lyrics are on the video 

See you all Thursday.  Doors will be unlocked at 3:15, but for sure, let’s be ready to do our show, like a performance, no later than 4:30.  PLACES at 4:30.  

Parents, we should be done by 5:45, no notes tomorrow, so kids should have their costumes hung up neatly and ready to go by 6:00 or 6:05. 

Please enter and exit through the basement door.  Please don’t open the front door.  I feel better knowing and being able to walk each of you out to see you get in your car.  


I know it feels .... uncomfortable to you all, but from my view, it’s looking really good.  

Remember, I’ve got paper set out for you to write down your questions,  stage manager (Ms Jamie) or I, will get back to you ASAP either in person or via email regarding your question.  Starting Monday, we don’t stop for anything.  We will run the show like we have an audience on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  Please get into costume as quick as possible.  No pre-run notes, we just start as close to 4;20 as we possibly can.  

Please don’t talk in the audience, it’s hard for me to focus on what is happening on stage when I hear the chatter in the audience.  

There were SEVERAL moments that I really LOVED.  You may think there were lots of mistakes, but if you are really connecting with the others on stage, I’m not going to see the mistakes, I’m going to be pulled in to the moment.  This is why it’s super important to 1. know your character and your characters story (what do they want and who is trying to keep them from it) 2. learn your lines early.  

I know some of you have to come in late or leave early, please come in and get your costume on and jump into place.  If you have to leave early, just let me know and I’ll set a reminder on my phone- unless like tonight I couldn’t find my phone.  :( I’m super sorry Eliora 

If you have a moment, please tell Ms Jamie and Ms Krista THANK YOU!!! They have a tough Job!    We will need a lot of patience on Saturday December 16th as we get to move the set pieces for the first time ever.  

Monday starts Tech Week.  I really, really, really need you all Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  

You’ve all been doing so well, I can hardly wait to see how things really begin to click next week.  I’ll be helping paint sets all weekend - between our other events ... Good, Better, Best!! 


Below is some information you may need to know as we come closer to ShowTime! Please KEEP THIS EMAIL FOR REFERENCE NEXT WEEK

*Call Time is the time the actors need to be at the theatre. Most often call time is 1 hour before "HOUSE OPENS".
House Opens is the term we use to say that we are letting the audience into the theatre (the house). Once house opens, all actors need to be back stage. You cannot go into the house with any part of your costume on. Parents please do not wait in the house (theatre) until the "house is open". Parents please do not go back stage during the show, during intermission, before or after the show unless you have volunteered to help that particular show. You may, after guests leave, go back stage to help your child get their things together.

*Costume Care, please leave all costume pieces at the theatre, even your personal pieces. The exception is underclothes and leotards. Do not eat in your costume. You may have water. If you have a medical condition, please talk to Ms Sherry and Ms Jamie. * hang your costumes up, or politely ask someone to hang it for you, please do not let any costume, at any time, lay on the floor.

*parents please do not let siblings, cousins and other children/adults on the stage at any time.
*Even though you have your lines learned, a good and professional actor will continue to
read through their script at least once a day.

*getting notes after rehearsal: Always be gracious, even if you disagree. Say "Thank you" after the director gives you the note, or "May we speak about this later?" if you don’t understand.  (PLEASE try hard to understand - the Director, stage manager are very busy making everything happen) The note session is not therapy for your character, but rather a session of quick fixes for many elements of the show. Find time for you and the director to solve issues that affect you or your character only.**** Actors Giving Notes: NEVER, (did you read that?) never give another actor notes and never allow yourself to receive notes from another actor. A nice response could be, "Thanks for your help, but I think it’s best we do this kind of thing through the stage manager or director." There is no room for flexibility here. This is hard, but it’s a must.

Monday 4:00-6pm

Please be at the school as close to 4:00 as you can.

Enter through Basement door quietly (lessons are going on)

Sign in on black board to the left of the basement door.

 get into costume.

Once you are in costume please have a seat on the edge of the stage.

WE will run through the entire show.

Tickets: . I am not allowed to sell tickets at the door.  the only way to get tickets is on the website   and they are SELLING!!!  No reserved seating, just $15 per ticket and first come first serve.  

Tuesday 4:00-6

Please be at the school as close to 4:00 as you can.

Enter through Basement door quietly (lessons are going on)

Sign in on black board to the left of the basement door.

 get into costume.

Once you are in costume please have a seat on the edge of the stage.

WE will run through the entire show.

Wednesday 4:00-6pm POSSSIBLE - SAVE THE DATE 

Run through the entire show from start to finish. I’ll let you know on Monday if we will rehearse on Wednesday

Call times:

SATURDAY 1:30pm to run the show with CSCC tech (lights and sound) crew.  This is our first rehearsal with sets and lights... I have zero idea how long it will take.  We will have snacks backstage if we don’t get to have a dinner break. Please send sandwhiches if your child needs more than veggies, fruit and crackers.  Please no greasy food, heavy food, sweets/chocolate... keep it light so your preshow butterflies don’t make you sick 


Enter through side door (to the right of the cherry theatre main entrance as you are looking at the main entrace from the main parking lot.

Parents need to sign you in at the entry table.  (whoever checks you in, needs to be the person to pick you up for safety. 

Check your props FIRST.  

THEN, after you have set your hands upon your props, you may get dressed.  

once dressed, have a seat in the hallway.  

IF we are done by 3 or 3:30, I can let the kids go get diiner and be back by 5:30


Call TIME 12:30 - You’ll have till 1:15 to check your props, I cannot let anyone on stage after that.  House opens at 1:30 and tech crew has things they need to do.  

ARrive, sign in, check props, get dressed, sit in hallway. 

Show Times

saturday December 16th 7pm / doors open at 6:30  (tickets available online ONLY ) 

Sunday December 17th 2pm / Doors open at 1:30 (tickets only available online ) 

Cast Party : it’s up to a parent to plan this.  The School may be used either Monday 4-6 or Tuesday 4-6 

Parents: Thank you for your commitment and your support. I have really enjoyed seeing the SPARK ignited (big smiles, glowing faces) or some of our newer performers as well as the ones that have been with us. First and foremost the goal of Building Block is to educate and encourage; performance is secondary. I think you will find these actors have really worked hard on their character building and presenting you with a show that all audiences will really enjoy. We couldn’t do it without you. All the back and forth, carpooling, rearranging schedules, running lines, finding costume pieces, doing hair.. the list goes on. You are the real super stars! Thank you!  We appreciate your sacrifices.  

From this point forward, if you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] this is the BEST way to get me, and get a response from me.  I’m teaching, administrating late into the evening, and pulling final props and costumes together (good better best, never let it rest, till your better gets best, and best gets better - meaning, I’ll keep tweaking until the curtain rises!) 


I left the detailed notes at the school.  Check back on Saturday night to get full update.  

Tonight was too noisy and I was interrupted too much during rehearsal.  I know you all must have loads of questions as this play has so many moving parts and many of you are in this for the first time (congratulations!) 

I will be leaving clip boards with paper out on the tables.  If you have a question during rehearsal, write it down on that paper and then after rehearsal, and after you have hung your costume up, you and I can chat about your questions.  Please don’t interrupt me, Ms Jamie, or any other actors while we’re running the show.  

when you arrive: get your costumes, put on your first costume and bring the others up where you can change easier and faster. 

once you’re dressed, have a seat on the stage so I can see you are dressed. 

Tiny Tim loves Chocolate, if you do too, let me know at the beginning of rehearsal for a special prize! 

during rehearsal, sit in the audience until it’s time for you to walk on to the stage (only caroline 2 and Agnarys should be back stage (and dancers sometimes and Scrooge)

After rehearsal, hang your costumes up neatly.  If you can’t reach the bar, put them in the costume bag neatly and lay them on the table in the room with the mirrors.  

once you’ve hung your costume, or laid the costume bag out neatly, you can find me and ask me any questions you may have.  I’ll also be near the door to see you to your car.  

It was a loud rehearsal and somewhat confusing, but overall, I can see it coming together.  

Roland, I am sorry I interrupted you at the end, I could have sworn I heard you stop to ask me if that was where the music goes... but again, it was noisy and the interruptions didn’t help, so I am sorry to have pulled you out of your character in that moment.  I think your character is coming along nicely and next week will hopefully feel that way for you too! 

everyone: start thinking about how your character walks? how do they stand?  Are they laborers? do we want to show they’ve had a hard life? are they young? or Old? are they in pain? are they full of life and walk very lightly and confidently?  I’d like to see, especially those of you playing several characters, start holding your body differently as you portray them.  

EVERYONE: please use your stage voice.  Everyone could be louder.  some a lot louder. Even mic’d, you need to project so the mic can pick up your voice. 

Let’s keep the momentum going!  I think you’re all doing great work! 

November 29th: I hope I will get to see some of you tomorrow.  I know communication failed, and that happens, but if you can come and if you can carve out time to be there on thursdays 4-6, that would be great.  Some of the cast will be in costume tomorrow, I don’t want to take time with costumes tomorrow because we need to run the show, that’s more important right now.  Thank you for your patience.  If you read this, come to me and say "bah humbug" in your best scrooge voice!  I’ll have a special treat for you! 


November 27 

The cast is doing great! After thanksgiving we would love to have them Mondays 5-6 and Thursdays  4-6.  Please come to rehearsals ready to try on costumes when we have time. Please see below for tech week rehearsals. 

IMPORTANT: MONDAY NOVEMBER 6TH: NO CLASS DUE TO ILLNESS.  I WILL CREDIT YOUR ACCOUNTS 10.00 and if you want a tee shirt you need to let me know by 7pm tonight.  I cannot order any later than tonight. 


October 30th: Today we went through the whole script and found all our parts.  Please highlight your lines.  Next week we will learn the blocking, so bring your script and a pencil! TEESHIRTS!!! I’ll need money and size on MONDAY (or I can bill your account- just let me know by Monday) $17

 Please come to rehearsals prepared to REHEARSE what you have PRACTICED at home.  

TECH WEEK: is where we put all the classes together.   (music students only come on thursday december 14th 4-6 at school and Saturday 1:30 at Cherry Theatre) rehearsals during tech week will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (possible wednesday) 4-6pm and Saturday at the Cherry Theatre at Columbia State Community College from 1:30-4:00 

Please let me know ASAP if you have any schedule conflicts.  Students who miss more than 2 rehearsals without notifying the director will be replaced.  It’s important to let the director know what days you cannot attend.  Illness is excused, but we need to be notified before rehearsals.  email [email protected] or text 931-442-5007

October 16th

Good Afternoon, 

It looks like we won’t have all our mice for performance Oct 22nd, so we will perform for parents on Monday October 23 at 5:40.  This will give us time to do class as well as practice.  Parents, You’ll be let in the building at 5:30 to get seated and then we will perform for you.  
We can hardly wait! 

October 9: 

Please let me know you saw the cast list for "A Christmas Carol" and also that you are available for performance October 22 6pm for "Mouse Tale, a Cinderella Story" 

We had a great rehearsal and I’d love for you all to be able to perform for your family.  This is a small event, a showcase of our private lesson students as well as some dance and choir.  There is no charge, but we do ask to limit guests to 4 per student.  

Sept 18th: today we ran through the play we learned about "blocking" and doing the same thing each time we get on stage.  Next week we will run through the first portion of the play and talk about "calling for line".  We’re aiming for October 22nd to run this show which means we will likely be working on Christmas Carol and Mouse Tale at the same time.  Please reserve October 22nd 6pm for "Mouse Tale" performance here at the school.  This is a very short introductory play, maybe 10-15 minutes at the most.  The rest of the show will be our StoryBook Players and Novel Players singing, dancing.  :)  

August 28: We missed you Brooklyn and Eveleigh!  Hope you have a great Trip Brooklyn and hope all is well Eveleigh.  

This week we learned about Auditions, learning a song, and reading a "cold read" .  THEN we auditioned for a short play.  IF we are able to put it together, we would need to perform it Sunday September 24th at 4pm so that we can then move on to "A Christmas Carol" musical.  Please reserve September 24th 4pm (call time 3pm) Tickets will be $5 each.  

Aug 21 : This week we talked about our gestures telling a story.  And how we’re always painting a picture for our audience when we walk on stage. 






October 16th

Good Afternoon, 

It looks like we won’t have all our mice for performance Oct 22nd, so we will perform for parents on Monday October 23 at 5:40.  This will give us time to do class as well as practice.  Parents, You’ll be let in the building at 5:30 to get seated and then we will perform for you.  
We can hardly wait! 


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