TUESDAY performing arts

Sherry Johnson


June 2nd 2:30 at primrose in Spring Hill.  Please arrive there at 2:10 or let me know that you need a ride and be at the school at 1:30. 

Some of you have been invited to perform at Defined movement again this summer . That date is June 1st.  It will likely be an all day event as we’ve been invited to perform at both shows.  Stay tuned for call time.  

Also June 15 is the coffee JAM, please arrive by 5:15 to get warmed up and dressed.  We will wear our white leotards and wrap skirts.  Please bring nude, footless tights.  


Tuesday April 2nd we will have dance online at noon.  Here is your link Sherry Johnson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Zoom Meeting

Time: Apr 2, 2024 11:45 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 475 379 7104

Passcode: me4theatre

And we will meet again at 1:00 for acting- bring your "hats" scripts. 


Tuesday March 26, please be dropped off at the Senior Center by 11:15.  Senior center is the brick building at the entrance of the Maury County Park.  We will get everyone back to the school afterwards. 

Tuesday Performing Arts 

!!!!!! I M P O R T A N T !!!!!

SPECIAL REHEARSAL March 15th - for our MARCH 16th performance 3:00pm for about an hour


special dates: 

****MARCH 16 9:30am Spring Hill Library

**JUNE 2ND TBA later, we don’t have an exact date, but some time mid day in Spring HIll at Primrose Academy

NOTES for Peter Rabbit 

Caroline, Clear your throat and adjust your glasses before you speak each time.  Think about being more still - only adjust your collar.  A scholar doesn’t fidgit. 

Allison: Work on using your whole arm, bigger as if speaking to little children who are hooked on every word you say

need tray with bowl and cup

Peter, how can you show a little more mischieviousness?

EVERYONE: how can you make your motions bigger? How can you get more in touch with your character?  How would your character react to a slow vehical? or a big, unexcpected bill? or finding out someone ate the dessert you were waiting all day for? How woud your character react to being stalked by your worst enemy? 



1/26 : please remember to complete you resume, (see attached).  There are many opinions on how to organize your acting resume, we will have a workshop on this soon.  

****If you don’t have a headshot, please arrive at 11:50 and I will take them for you and print them out.  *** We will also talk about what is acceptable in headshots, how to get them printed, and the size at the upcoming workshop.  (I won’t be able to do headshots after 12:00. )

                                       Wear your best color, no print please, solid color.  Slightly more than normal make up.  

                                        In your photo You need to look like you will look when you walk into an audition room.  

 Monologue - it can be the same one you’ve been working on, but it should be better than the last time you performed it with all the suggestions used.  (don’t remember, next time write that stuff down. call a friend (from the class) and ask them.  Don’t have a monologue, google is your friend.  Google monologues from musical theatre shows. 

Do your research on Peter Rabbit, know what shows BBSA has done and where we perform.  Peter Rabbit in community theatre can be totally different than Peter Rabbit in a traveling theatre performing for small children.  It matters the audience of a theatre for how you prepare your audition.  Are we being realistic? Comedic? are we being bigger than life with large gestures and facial expressions.  (all of these things we will cover in our audition workshop)

Do yourself a favor and prepare for Tuesday now, don’t wait until Monday night or worse, Tuesday 12:00.  Preperations shows! 

Nerves will happen, remember, this is a learning experience, we love you and want to see you learn how to be your best.  Your best doesn’t always match the vision of the director, but that does not mean that you weren’t good enough.  You might have been the absolute best in the room, but it’s not about being the best, it’s about doing your best. 

please keep in mind, we have one performance of this show being booked in spring hill in June.  I’ll let you know the exact date as soon as I know.  

*****ROBIN HOOD TICKETS*** It’s my understanding that we will be going as a group to see Robin Hood on Saturday Night.  We will be meeting at Pucketts at 5:00, please bring money for food  if you want to do dinner with us.  If not, we are aiming to be at  Cherry Theatre at 6:40.  Here is the link to purchase your ticket https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?ticketing=wpt      ****if you are meeting us for dinner, shoot me an email by Thursday feb 1st.  So that I can make reservations. 



Good evening, we will be moving online tomorrow.  Here is the Streamyard link.  It’s a little different than zoom, but follow the prompts and you’ll be fine. 



Adv ballet 11:30 

Performing arts 12:00.  We won’t be on for the entire day, just an hour or so.  Please be prompt and patient.  Thank you all.  Come ready to move! 



Good evening actors, instrumentalist, dancers and singers! Tomorrow is the big day! 

I will be arriving around 11 to set up, set people will be there around 10. There’s so much to do to get ready for you and your show! I will not be checking emails after 7pm tonight.  I probably won’t have my phone on me most of the morning tomorrow.  Please read this carefully.  

Arrive at 1:30 through the side door.  If you are looking at the front windows of the Hickman building/cherry theatre (sculpture to your left) then you will drive around to the right and enter through that side door. Keep going straight to check in at the table.  I will be there at 1:20 (probably not sooner) to let you in.  

Once you have checked in, the backstage buddies will take you to a place you can set your things down and report to the stage. (no costumes for this part)

At 1:35 we will run the show with tech crew. There may be a lot of stopping. Please wait silently. This is super important to be quiet.  

After we run the show with Tech, we will take a short break and grab some food, Thanks to Chick-Fil-A for their donation and some friends who also donated money and Ms Sue who put it all together!   PARENTS: they will not have time to leave and come back, so we will take good care of them and feed them and keep them safe and having the best time! I do have some senior theatre students, not involved in this show, helping back stage.  

After our break we will either run the show again without tech, with tech (if they need it) or just scenes and dances.  (we’re going to be super flexible here) 

At 5:40 we will have everyone stop to get into costume.  

At 6:30 we will ask that everyone gather in the hallway for "preshow prep and costume care" this is where we make sure you have all the pieces you need and that your costume is in tip top shape.  We will also have a moment of prayer (if that makes you uneasy, you may have a moment of quiet on your own) Then we will do energy! just a vocal technique that helps us all focus on each other, listen and collaborate. We will teach you tomorrow if you don’t know how to do this. It’s super easy and fun.  

Once you are dressed you will be asked to hang out in the hall where we can see you and reach you easily.  (parents, the hall is guarded on both sides by double doors that will be closed and locked. We also have a volunteer stationed at the side in which you entered.  We ask that you do not see your actor/singer in costume until the show - just makes it more fun and magical!) 

at 7pm you will likely be called to "places" and it’s SHOWTIME! 

After the show, please hang up your costumes neatly.  Your parents can sign you out at the same table they signed you in. PARENTS: please send the same person to pickup performer as you did to drop off. 

MUSICIANS: you may leave at 3pm.  Please dress hoiday festive, your sunday best or all black.  Your choice! 

SUNDAY:  call time is 12:30.  I know some will be rushing in after church, just sign in and go directly to your costume.  

at 1:30 we will gather in the hall for pre-show prep. 

at 2pm you will likely be called to places.  

sometimes there is a "HOLD" OR "PLACES HOLD" that means that people are still being seated and we’re going to let them get settled before we turn the lights out in the audience.  It’s super important to be flexible, stay in a focused mindset of who your character is, and be silent. 

You all are ready for this!  be flexible, I already know of one slight change (which I think the cratchet family will like), but there is likely to be more.  Please use your creative thinking skills to find solutions to things that pop up.  If you have questions, ask your backstage buddy or the closest back stage buddy.  Remember, Ms Krista, Ms Jamie and myself need to be able to hear the tech crew and be constantly focused on that; it could cause a  mess up or even a series of mess ups to be pulled away even for just a moment.  

After the show sunday, there will be three bins, one for washable clothes, shoes and the third for non washable (like hats, cloaks, jackets). Please sort your costumes accordingly, lay out your costume bags on the couch in the food area and sign out at the same table you signed in. 

You’re all done! 

Eva and Alli will be backstage to help you and they have lots of experience. Alli expecially! 

Good better best.... you know the rest! 



Coffee JAM Saturday 7pm- free for immediate family $5 for friends and extended family.  Free coffee and water, snacks $1 each. 

Please arrive 6pm to warm up and go over dances.  We will not be doing Military dance since we haven’t gone over it.  If you’re performing your monologue please have it co pmetely memorized.  Know your weak spots- the places you always mess up, and have a plan for how to recover.  It works! Plan for it.  

It’s Christmas/winter theme, so wear something of the season, but make sure you can move in it. 




11/7: Arrive at the school Saturday at 10:30 to review song and dance.  we will be done rehearsing at 11am.  Please be at columbia factory by 11:30.  I can give a few rides, but I need permission: Show starts at 12:00.   EMAIL ME IF YOU GIVE YOUR CHILD PERMISSION TO RIDE WITH US.  ONLY IF ABSOLUTELY NECCESSARY.  SHOULD I BE GIVING RIDES.

Wear blue jeans, and a red or white shirt with black/blue/brown shoes.

for Christmas Carol Show: Please purchase this leotard    or something similar if you need something cheaper.  Be aware that lower cost may mean no lining which will mean it is very see through - especially on stage.  This leotard is lined back and front and has a shelf bra inside.  A regular bra can be word with this leotard.  

White tights would also be great!  We have some around here, but if you want your own, that no one else has worn, you can purchase those.  White not pink or ballet pink. white tights please. 

9/27/23 :

please reply to my email and let me know if you are able to perform October 25 Wednesday (leaving from school) and November 11, saturday arrive at Columbia Factory 


it starts at 12:00, I’m thinking we should be there 11:15 to get a feel for the space.  they should be done by 12:30.  Their song is only 5-6 minutes


this might be a little different than what we rehearsed, but let’s see if we can make this work. 

Libby: US ARMY:  "This we’ll Defend" was first used by the War Office of the Continental Army.


Caroline or Maddie: US MARINES:  "Semper Fidelis" It’s not just a motto for the Marine - its a way of life...OORAH


Eden: US NAVY:  Unofficial, "Not Self but Country" this phrase is inscribed above the chapel doors of the Naval Academy


Milly: US AIR FORCE:  "Aim High...Fly-Flight-Win" a call to action and a promise to respond.


Maddie:  US COAST GUARD:  "Semper Paratus" No matter the rough waters, challenging ocean rescues, or  long hours of ensuring national security, the U.S. Coast Guard is always ready to                              respond.


Agnaris or Libby: US SPACE FORCE:  "Semper Force – Always Above" Our citizens will always rest easier,    knowing there is always a shield above them.



We ran through hats and mother goose, Mrs Katelin went through some tap and stretching.  NEXT week we will run through, learn dance for Military Melody, and talk about character analysis

Keep on practicing below!!1 

Learn your lines!  Work on your vowels A E I O U  - m ove your mouth.  

Vocal Tech : Make sure you are blending with the person next to you, if you can’t hear them then all your audience can hear is you.  


I will post the video for the Military Melody tomorrow. 

Please make sure you are available November 11th to be at the Factory of Columbia.  Let me know if there is a problem. 

Maddie hopefully you can tell where you were and where you are going, but we will catch you up next time.  No


October 10th

Please go over the military dance 3x 

Review the Radio Play at least 3x this week 

Oct 17

Great rehearsals today.  Keep going over Military Song, it’s getting there.  Remember to keep in sync with the person in front of you.  

Great Radio show!! Make sure you are making your voice suspenseful.  We will leave from the school at 11:30am Wednesday - please be there by 11am.  I could use one more driver 🙏 

ALSO COFFEE JAM 6:00 Sunday 22nd.  I don’t know what y’all should wear for dance, so talk to each other and come up with something 🤗 I think songs are "hallelujah and I won’t back down" possible Military Melody.  ARRIVE 5:00 

More photos: