Joseph Guitar Lessons

Sherry Johnson

Here is the zoom link for lessons on Thursday IF we end up not opening. 

Zoom Code for private lessons 303 676 6167

Password is me4theatre for both

1/25/24- lookout for video in messages.

11/9/23- guitar: More Than Words, Gabriel’s Message

Piano- p.23, 25-26

10/19/23- practice "More Than Words" and "Gabriel’s Message". Practice p.20-21 for Piano

10/12/23- look up and practice "More Than Words" on guitar. Practice p.18-21 on Piano


Guitar "Counting Stars" and "Midnight Special"

Piano- p.16-17


8/24/23- Guitar: "Can’t Help Falling In Love". Listen to favorite songs and figure out chords.


Piano: practice "Mozart Tune" and "In My Dreams" in Piano book.

8/17/23- keep practicing C-Scale. Practice left hand exercises #1-8. Keep practicing "Can’t Help Falling in Love" on guitar.

8/10/23- memorize keys and capo fret numbers in guitar book. Practice C-scale and c chord arpeggios. See video for instructions. Order "Piano for Teens" book by 

7/3/23- keep practicing "Can’t Help Falling in Love" and "House of the Rising Sun". Look out for video on playing C Scale

6/20 video lesson has been uploaded.  Remember we will offer lessons the week of July 3-6 at your regular scheduled time.  Please let Mr Drew know if you cannot make it by emailing [email protected] 


All lesson notes for Joseph are kept here for reference