The Mavericks Gymnastics Booster Club is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization open for membership to all families of the Mavericks Gymnastics competitive team.  The goal of the organization is to financially offset expenses for team families. Support is shown in many ways including time, raising money and contributing funds. 


Question:  My daughter is a day time gymnast and does split practice, can she stay at the gym between practice?

Answer: Yes, we have created a sign up genius for parents to take turns supervising between practices. To be added to the "lunch crew" list contact Kim Rusk at [email protected].

Question: What is the "Parent Letter of Understanding"?

Answer:  There are two Parent Letters of Understanding. One is from the gym and it is called "Parent Letter of Financial Understanding", it outlines your financial responsibility to Mavericks Gymnastics and you can get a copy from the gym. The second letter of understanding is from Mavericks Gymnastics Booster Club. 

Question: What does my gymnast need for daily practice?

Answer: ankle weights, strap bar gloves, jump rope, point shoes (optionals), grips

Question: How do I pay fees to Mavericks Gymnastics?

Answer:  Create an iCLASSPRO account by going to Mavericks Gymnastics website http://mavericksgymnastics.com  and go to parent log in.  First time users, enter your email address and "forgot password"

Question:  What is a DEMO/team leo?

Answer: It is a leotard that is designed by the gym and is worn by the entire competitive team every Thursday.  It can be purchased through the gym directly.

Question:  What are Monthly gym dues?

Answer: This is the money you pay the gym each month for your daughters training/practice.  This is payable to the gym directly via iClassPro.  This is separate from the booster club.

Question:  Compteition leos, warmups, gym bags, team t-shirts, team practice leo

Answer:  These are designed and created by our coaches/senior gymnasts.  We typically change out competition leos and warmups every 2 years.  T-shirts and practice leos are usually every year.  These costs are payable to the gym. 

Question: Booster Club Annual Memberhsip Fee

Answer:  This fee pays for the operating costs of Mavericks Gymnastics Booster Club and can be paid on the GoMotion app (not the gym or on iClass Pro). 









Question: What are Meet Registration Fees:  

Answer: This a per gymnast cost for each meet.  It is non-refundable after certain deadlines determined by the meet host. Each meet charges something different and can be anywhere from $60-$140 per meet-depending on level.  The registration fees are payable to Mavericks Gymnastics via iClassPro website.  You will receive an e-mail from Mavericks Gymnastics-Coach Gaby Arkell with details for each meet.

Question:  What are Team/Coaches Fees:

Answer:  This is a cost that the entire team shares.  It includes coaches session fees, airfare, hotel, mileage, food per diems, tolls, car rentals, etc.  Coaches fees are paid to Mavericks Gymnastics via iClassPro website.  

Question: What are Meet Team Fees: 

Answer:  This is a fee that is paid to the meet for each level. You must have 3 or more gymnasts per level to qualify/register a team at a meet. This allows our gymnasts to be eligible for team awards at meets.  The meet team fee gets divided between each girl at each level.  If you do not have enough gymnasts at your level to make a team, this fee will be $0.  Meet team fees are included into the registration fee that is sent out from Mavericks Gymnastics -Coach Gaby Arkell.

Question:  Individual Travel Expenses

Answer:  It is your responsiblity to book travel for your gymnast and family.  Optionals Parents:  we recommend booking hotels early (usually around September/October).  You can go to each meet website and book the "host hotel".  It's usually very cheap and close to the competition.  You can book Thursday to Monday and then change it when you know your daughters competition schedule.  Competitions can be on Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday and come out about 30 days before the meet.  Your coach will email you with the competition dates/times when they are available.  Compulsory Parents:  travel is minimal, meets are typically local.  However, South State and State usually requrie out of market travel. 

Question:  Post Season Costs

Answer:  If your gymnast qualifies for post season, you will be billed for the registration fee which is paid to Mavericks Gymnastics gym directly.