Concussion Policy

According to the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association, concussions are a serious and long lasting problem for many student athletes, and therefore understanding the risks, signs and symptoms of concussions as well as the necessary treatment options is crucial to the well-being of the athletic participants.  The following information was borrowed from the WIAA website in hope of further educating you and your sons and daughters about the risks involved in participation in sports.

"Concussion What Must Be Done. 

The law requires all youth athletic organizations to educate coaches, athletes and parents on the risks of concussions and head injuries and prohibits participation in a youth activity until the athlete and parent or guardian has returned a signed agreement sheet indicating they have reviewed the concussion and head injury informational materials. The law requires immediate removal of an individual from a youth athletic activity if symptoms indicate a possible concussion has been sustained. A person who has been removed from a youth athletic activity because of a determined or suspected concussion or head injury, may not participate again until he or she is evaluated by a health care provider and receives written clearance from the health care provider to return to the activity."

Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association Concussion Information Page


Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Head's Up Educational Program

National Federation of State High School Associations Learning Center


Parent/Athlete Agreement Form (must be completed annually)