Volunteers Needed!

Because this is a parent-run organization, the level of involvement of member parents will ultimately determine its effectiveness.  We can all best support our swimmers by paying monthly bills on time, volunteering at Swim-a-thon and the home swim meet, driving our swimmer to meets, attending general membership meetings, picking-up our swimmer on time, checking e-mails regularly, making sure your swimmer has the equipment he or she needs, and lavishing all of them with praise as they give their best effort at practices and meets.

Many Hands Make Light Work

It takes many parent volunteers to keep our swim club running smoothly. Parents are required to volunteer in some fashion. Some of these jobs are simply for a day, others take more time; all of these jobs are rewarding. You are a very important part of our team and any helping hand is greatly appreciated.  Before swim meets or other events, we will send out a request for the types of help we need. 


Jobs for part of the Season or more

  • Computer/Timing System Operators - this is a big job that requires more than one person but once you know the system it is not too complicated. This job involves working with the touch pads, starting system and scoreboard so that swimmers times are accurately collected and displayed. This is a key job for making swim meets run smoothly. If you are handy with technology and work well under pressure we could use your help with this!
  • Fundraising Chairs - We have two major fundraisers: the Swimathon in the spring, plus a Banner advertising fundraiser in the fall before our Club Meet in December. 
  • Become an Official - For every race to be fair, there needs to be rules and officials enforce those rules. It can be a tough job to disqualify swimmers for swimming incorrectly but it is a crucial job for helping them learn and keeping the playing field level. You will learn more than you ever thought possible about swimming if you decide to become an official. You will be trained to do this job so don't worry if you don't know the rules yet. 
  • Become a Board Member - Our swim club is run by a Parent Board. They keep everything running smoothly behind the scenes. From ordering gear, organizing fund raisers, handling finances and voting on decisions. You can be part of the team running the club. The board meets once a month but duties often extend outside the meetings. 
  • Website Manager and Social Media Poster  - Are you a whiz at writing text that people will read?  Can you navigate technology? Help us maintain a presence on Facebook and Band, plus keep this Team Unify site useful and beautiful!
  • Bulletin Board Manager - Keep the STSC bulletin board at the pool interesting, updating it with current photos, past team photos, news articles and current time standards.
  • Travel Arranger - Should you have been a travel agent?  We need YOU to help us get our coaches to meets and housed!  
  • Storer of The Things: STSC has an inventory of event supplies (think paper plates, cups, etc.), ribbons for meets, and old financial data.  Keeping these items inventoried and stored, and delivering them as necessary is a small but crucial job!


Jobs for the Day

  • Time at a swim meet - swim meets require at least 2 timers per lane to ensure accurate time for races. Most pools have 6 or 8 Lanes, so we need 12 or 16 volunteers to help out at every swim meet. This job is easy and only requires the use of Thumbs. It is much closer to the action of the swim meet and is often much more comfortable than sitting in the hot and humid bleachers. It also comes with the added perk of free food from the hospitality room. 
  • Work Concessions/Hospitality - at every swim meet, there is a basic concession stand and a room for all volunteers to eat and relax during breaks. We need a few people to help take money, distribute food and keep all the food stocked. If you would rather enjoy the quiet, usually cooler atmosphere a little ways away from the pool, this job is for you.
  • Donate food for concessions/hospitality - even if you can't attend a swim meet we can use your help collecting food donations. Both swimmers and fans get hungry during the meet and if you have a famous recipe or are making a Costco run the week before a swim meet offer to pick something up. Proceeds from the concessions benefit the team.
  • Announcer - If public speaking is your thing we could use your abilities at our swim meet. Having an announcer adds to the excitement of the swim meet and keeps the spectators informed. A coach or official will tell you what you are expected to say. It is also a good way to practice your stand up comedy routine.
  • A Helping Hand - before every swim meet we need help setting up timing equipment, moving chairs, making printouts, and readying the pool for the competition. This happens the night before our swim meet. If you can help on a Friday night before the meet we would greatly appreciate it.