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Electronic Communication Policy of the Razorback Aquatic Club 



The Razorback Aquatic Club recognizes the prevalence of electronic communication and social media in today’s world. Many of our swimmers use these means as their primary method of communication. While the Club acknowledges the value of these methods of communication, the Club also realizes that there are associated risks that must be considered when adults use these methods to communicate with minors. 



 All communications between a coach or other adult and an athlete must be professional in nature and for the purpose of communicating information about team activities. The content and intent of all electronic communications must adhere to the USA Swimming Code of Conduct regarding Athlete Protection. For example, as with any communication with an athlete, electronic communication should not contain or relate to any of the following: 

·    drugs or alcohol use; 

·    sexually-oriented conversation; sexually explicit language; sexual activity 

·    the adult’s personal life, social activities, relationship or family issues, or personal problems; and ·    inappropriate or sexually explicit pictures 


·    Note: Any communication concerning an athlete's personal life, social activities, relationship, or family issues or personal problems must be transparent, accessible, and professional. 


Whether one is an athlete, coach, board member or parent, the guiding principle to always use in communication is to ask: “Is this communication something that someone else would find appropriate or acceptable in a face-to-face meeting?” or “Is this something you would be comfortable saying out loud to the intended recipient of your communication in front of the intended recipient’s parents, the coaching staff, the board, or other athletes?” 

With respect to electronic communications, a simple test that can be used in most cases is whether electronic communication with swimmers is Transparent, Accessible, and Professional. 

Transparent: All electronic communication between coaches and athletes should be transparent. Your communication should not only be clear and direct but also free of hidden meanings, innuendo, and expectations. 

Accessible: All electronic communication between coaches and athletes should be considered a matter of record and part of the Club’s records. Whenever possible, include another coach or parent in the communication so that there is no question regarding accessibility. 

Professional: All electronic communication between a coach and an athlete should be conducted professionally as a representative of the Club. This includes word choices, tone, grammar, and subject matter that model the standards and integrity of a staff member. 

If your communication meets all three of the T.A.P. criteria, then it is likely your method of communication with athletes will be appropriate. 

Social Media Sites: Coaches may have personal Facebook (or other social media site) pages, but they are not permitted to have any athlete member of the Club join their personal page as a “friend.” A coach should not accept any “friend” request from an athlete. In addition, the coach should remind the athlete that this is not permitted. Coaches and athletes are not permitted to “private message” each other via any social media platform. Coaches and athletes are not permitted to “instant message” each other via any social media platform or other IM method.

The Club has an official Facebook page that athletes and their parents can “friend” for information and updates on team-related matters. Coaches are encouraged to set their pages to “private” to prevent athletes from accessing the coach’s personal information. 


TWITTER Best Practice: The Club has an official Twitter page that coaches, athletes, and parents can follow for information and updates on team-related matters. Coaches are not permitted to follow athletes on Twitter. Likewise, athletes are not permitted to follow coaches on Twitter. Coaches and athletes are not permitted to “direct message” each other through Twitter. 


TEXTING: Subject to the general guidelines mentioned above, texting is allowed between coaches and athletes during the hours from 8 am until 8 pm. Texting only shall be used for the purpose of communicating information directly related to team activities. A parent must be on any text sent from a coach. 

EMAIL: Athletes and coaches may use email to communicate between the hours of 8 am and 8 pm. When communicating with an athlete through email, a parent, another coach, or a board member must also be copied.

One Team ♦ One Vision ♦ One Kid at a Time