Transition squad athletes are preparing to be our future senior swimmers. This squad practices five to six times per week in 1 1/2 to 2 hour sessions, so there is a considerable amount of commitment and dedication to the team and to the sport of swimming. The main goal for the coaches of this squad is twofold: 1) Continued stroke improvement with an emphasis on efficiency and injury prevention, 2) A very strong emphasis on good turns, finishes and starts to assure faster and more success for swimming in the future. 

Transition squad athletes will be introduced to all aspects of competitive swimming – including technique, dry land training, nutrition, and race strategy.  They will not only learn the what and how but more importantly the why about the things that we do in the pool.   Swimmers will also learn to accept challenges, win gracefully and accept losing as a learning tool.   They will also learn to accept guidance from the coaching staff, effectively communicate questions, ideas and concerns to the coaching staff, provide support to peers and have a sound work ethic to achieve personal goals.  In short our goal is to help create a whole person and not just a fast swimmer by providing not only a challenging but also a rewarding and safe environment for all of our swimmers to experience for as many years as they would like to participate. 

Transition swimmers should be training at least 4 days per week.