Strathcona County Swim Club (SRAYS)

Message from head coach Mark Chantaj

Dear SilverRays families,

Welcome back to the SilverRays! We are running a Swim Program with a specific “Swim Curriculum”. Swimmers need to learn “Swim Skills ABCD” before they are invited to join the next group to learn “Swim Skills EFG”. Everything we do is planned ahead of time and implemented purposefully. Your child will be invited to join a group that my coaching staff and myself believe is the most appropriate for the upcoming season. We hope you accept this invitation and your swimmer is excited to get back in the pool with their teammates!


Mini Rays Program

  • Squad Coaches On-Deck: Coach Mark, Coach Devin & Coach Brianna

SilverRays Program

  • Squad Coaches On-Deck: Coach Mark, Coach Allison, Coach Devin

Age Group Program

  • Squad Coaches On-Deck: Coach Mark, Coach Allison


 Coach Mark ([email protected])

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