Club By-Laws and Policies
The Medicine Hat Waves Swim Club is registered as a non-for-profit organization throught the Societies Act of Alberta and is governed by the rules of the Swim Alberta.
Swim Alberta is the provincial governing body for competitive swimming in Alberta and is under the umbrella of supervision of Swimming Canada. Swim Alberta is a registered non-for-profit throuth the Societies Act of Alberta. On their website you will find more information about their rules and procedures along with swimmer stats, information about and for officials, swim meets, and swimming in general.
Medicine Hat Waves By-Laws - Approved June 4,2020 - Stamped September 4, 2020
Guiding Principals
All members of Swim Alberta - athletes, officials, volunteers, parents, and clubs are bound by the Guiding Principles as approved by the Swim Alberta Board of Directors. Please take a moment to review these.
Equity Inclusion & Universal Access Guiding Principle
Safe Sporting Environment Guiding Principle
Ogranization Operation Policies
Code of Conduct and Ethics
- Swimmer Code of Conduct Contract
- Parent Code of Conduct Contract
Swimming Officials Information
Officials User Guide 2023-2024