Prince George Barracuda Swim Club


Welcome to the Prince George Barracuda Swim Club. 

The Prince George Barracuda Swim Club currently operates from the Prince George Aquatic Centre (Oct to July) and Four Seasons Leisure Pool (Sept). Generally, the Club organizes an information night to take place during practice times in the month of October. This night is intended to answer questions face-face and to get a feel for Who’s Who in the Club.

We are looking forward to your participation in the activities that make the Barracudas a dynamic swim club. Together, we can provide the environment that will allow swimmers to achieve their maximum potential.

The activities of a swim club somewhat resemble a pyramid. There is an ever-increasing degree of intensity, commitment and time involved in the training program. We hope that every member will work to ensure that every level of the Club functions well. Please lend your support to all the club activities, even if your swimmer isn’t involved in a particular activity this year.

Swimming is a way of life that helps young people become physically fit and mentally alert. It teaches swimmers to help each other improve as swimmers and competitors. It encourages young people to take pride in their performance and responsibility for their own development. 

We are a dynamic winning team dedicated to the development of excellence in swimming. We offer programs for all ages, including;

age group pre competitive and competitive programs
masters programs
swim school programs
summer swim camp


Mission Statement – The Barracuda Swim Club is a dynamic winning team dedicated to the development of excellence in swimming.

The primary objective of the Barracudas is to provide an opportunity for each of its swimmers to attain his or her maximum potential in competitive swimming. In pursuing this goal, it is our belief that each swimmer will derive significant benefits in the following areas: 

  • CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT: understanding the value of hard work and commitment and learning to contribute to team effort; and

  • INTERNAL REWARDS: experiencing the unique satisfaction that follows a 100% commitment. 

The first benefit alone justifies participation in the program and progress in the areas of self-confidence and commitment can usually be observed almost immediately after the swimmers become involved. On the other hand, several years of participation culminated by a period of solid commitment and a great deal of sacrifices required are to attain the second benefit. Although many of our swimmers may not choose to take this step, it is important that the program be designed to allow and encourage this to occur if our primary objective is to be achieved.

A well defined, long term approach of gradually increasing degrees of commitment is essential if swimmers are to reach their peak. The emphasis in the early stages of participation must be placed on developing technical skills and a love for the sport. In the later years, a more demanding physical and psychological challenge is introduced to the training program. In this respect, “too much, too soon” is more often the cause of failure to achieve maximum potential in senior swimming than is the reverse situation.

In addition to emphasizing long-term rather than short-term results, it is also important that we establish training groups of swimmers who are compatible with respect to abilities, commitment levels and goals. Unfortunately, this is not always the most convenient approach to take but it is always the most productive.

Perhaps the most significant consideration of all in the pursuit of our primary objective is the importance of teaching our swimmers that it is neither the time nor the place on the scoreboard that determines the degree of success or failure, but the extent to which they perform up to their capabilities.

By placing the emphasis on this aspect of performance, every swimmer will be given the opportunity to “Be the Best That You Can Be” and to become a better person in the process.


The Prince George Barracuda Swim Club is a competitive winter swim club with a pre-competitive level. The Club aims for the development of competitive swimming skills as well as providing an environment, which encourages each swimmer to achieve his or her maximum potential as an individual within a team atmosphere. Along with the physical aspect of the sport, strong emphasis is placed on personal growth.

At all times, the Club and its members will strive to promote competitive swimming as well as carry a positive image of our club and pride in our community to all those we come in contact with through our swimming and other club endeavors. 


We offer a handbook to provide an introductory guide for new and returning swimmers and their parents by providing information that will help you cope with the terminology and activities as part of competitive swimming. It also serves as a continuing resource for all involved in Barracuda swimming.  Please find the Handbook under the Parents tab.