Rapids Swimmer invited to Swimming Canada Virtual Camp

Dennis Silva

Congratulations to Samuel Pei in the National group who has been invited to participate in Swimming Canada's inaugrual virtual distance development camp beginning this week. Check out the press release from Swimming Canada below about this new initiative. 

November 5, 2020
Swimming Canada had plans to host a week-long distance camp with the goal of identifying and targeting a group of distance swimmers across the country with a Paris 2024 focus. Due to the current health situation, travel restrictions and different provincial protocols, the model was initially changed to four provincially based camps. As the current situation in Canada has continued to change, the camp has now been amended to East and West virtual camps.

The activities will be jointly run by National Distance & Open Water Coach, Mark Perry and National Development Coach, Ken McKinnon and supported by Olympic Senior Coach, Martyn Wilby. The Swimming Canada coaches will target an expanded group of athletes and coaches, exposing them to a traditional distance training model, workout examples, plans and templates.

This is a further reimagining of Swimming Canada’s normal camp delivery process due to current concerns. This has encouraged a high attendance and therefore a greater learning potential across a wide range of both coaches and their athletes.

“This activity has taken a considerable amount of time and effort from a team of people to get it off the ground,” said Perry. “We are extremely excited to be able to provide this kind of ‘re-imagined’ swimming content to our swimmers.”

The first week of activities runs in the East on Nov. 7 and 14 with participation from Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. The second week runs in the West on Nov 21 and 28 with participation from Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

The virtual camp will start with a series of talks covering a range of topics including explanations of a week’s worth of practices to be completed by each selected swimmer in their home club with their coach between the two Saturdays. Swimmers from about 50 different clubs will follow the same work and complete three key practices.

“The enthusiasm from the swimming community to make this work has been phenomenal,” said Perry. “It’s so encouraging to think that we will have 50 swimming clubs across the country comparing experiences and results.”

The camp will end with an opportunity for feedback and analysis with further educational content, including coach planning, workout progressions, Anti-Doping and True Sport Clean, and team management and protocols.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is a difficult time for everyone and we feel that this is a groundbreaking way to deliver quality, meaningful and educational content in the safest possible way,” said Perry.