Meet Survival Guide

We hope the following tips will help prepare you and your child for a more enjoyable meet experience. Meets are the first official recording of swim times. It is through the competition of a swim meet that many learn the value of sportsmanship. Swimmers will be applying techniques learned in practice to a competition with other swimmers of similar skill and ability. When competing for the first time, the swimmers need to focus on completing their races, and doing things right. 


How do I enter my swimmer in a meet?

Our Coaches will evaluate which meets/events will be appropriate for the swimmers. All meets are available to view on our website. Your swimmer will be automatically entered into all appropriate meets and it is your responsibility to decline any you are unable to attend. A reminder to do this will be sent out by our Coaches. Please note that we are required to pay all meet fees in advance so any chances must be made in a timely manner.

When should I arrive?

Instructions on arrival time will be posted to the event prior to the meet. Swimmers need to arrive 15 minutes before the warm up time (warm up is usually an hour prior to the beginning of the meet.) By arriving early, you’ll be able to find a good parking spot, and a good seat for the meet. Plus the swimmers will need time to change and get their gear together. 

What should my swimmer do when they are not swimming?

While swimmers are not swimming, they should rest and sit with their team. It’s important that they are not wandering the facility, as they risk missing their swimming event. The events will proceed whether the swimmer is present or not. The team will have swimmers competing in practically every event, therefore the coaches remain on the side of the pool during the meet to support and encourage those swimmers currently in the water. 

There is usually a concession stand with snacks for the swimmers. Eating light is recommended and sticking with healthy snacks will help the swimmers perform at their best. Most families will pack their own water and snacks. 
Swimmers can pass the time with ipod, itouch, games, homework, reading, etc. Resting in between events is strongly recommended. Please do not leave any valuables unattended, as it is possible that they might be lost, stolen, or damaged.

I want to be a supportive swim parent.  How do I talk to my swimmer at a meet if they don’t swim well?

Encourage your swimmer by letting them know they did their best, and that you are proud of them regardless of a win or a loss. Also, other swimmers will often support each other, sharing stories of their worst swim. Inevitably there are new swimmers who DQ (disqualify). Give them a hug and let them know they will do better next time.


What else do I need to know?

Dress cool!Yes, even in the winter. Indoor pools are often kept warm, and will be even warmer with the presence of more people. 

Bring a pen / highlighter:  You’ll be able to buy a program which shows all the events for the meet. In the program, there will be a listing of the swimmer, which heat they are in, and what lane they are swimming in. Having a pen/highlighter helps to distinguish which events your swimmer is competing in. 
Make sure your swimmer brings extra clothes, towels & goggles:  Extra towels are a must. Having sweats or similar clothing to wear over the swimsuit is also helpful. Goggles get lost or broken. Pack an extra pair! Sunscreen and reflective goggles for outside pools are a must for LC!