Our Mission

To inspire our Athletes to
success in swimming and in life within a safe environment.




Our Vision

Compete. Succeed. Lead.
One Stroke at a Time


Team Parents: A successful swimming experience depends on parents being proactively trained to play the right role on the parent-swimmer-coach team. There are all of the early morning practices, the weekend-long swim meets, the fundraising, helping with the board, chaperoning, the fees, the carpooling, and the food. Most importantly, there is the most fundamental and irreplaceable role you have as a swim parent: cheerleader and support staff to your little athlete. 
1. DON’T COACH - Leave coaching to coaches. This includes pre-race psyching, motivation, after race critiquing, setting goals, enforcing additional cross training, etc. As parents, it is absolutely essential that we give our coaching staff the respect and authority they deserve to run our swim team.  Our coaches are hired for that purpose and the Head Coach oversees the direction of the staff.

2. SUPPORT THE COACH - Your coaches are the experts. They need your support for everyone to "win". WSL is fortunate to have experienced, professional coaches working to develop our children into better swimmers, and more importantly, teaching and instilling important life skills.

3. SUPPORT THE PROGRAM - Get involved. Volunteer. Help out at meets, fundraisers, etc.

4. BE YOUR CHILD’S BEST FAN - Support your child unconditionally. Do not withdraw love when your child performs poorly. Your child should not have to perform to win your love.

5. SUPPORT AND ROOT FOR ALL SWIMMERS ON THE TEAM - Foster teamwork. Your child’s teammates are not the enemy. When they go faster than your child, your child now has a wonderful opportunity to improve.

6. DO NOT BRIBE OR OFFER INCENTIVES - Your job is not to motivate. Leave this to the coaching staff. Bribes will distract your child from proper race concentration.

7. TAKE YOUR CONCERNS AND PROBLEMS DIRECTLY TO THE COACH - If you have a problem with the coach, do not go to other parents to discuss it. Go straight to the coach involved. Talking behind the coach’s back will not get you what you want.

8. UNDERSTAND AND DISPLAY APPROPRIATE MEET BEHAVIOR - Remember your child’s self­-esteem and race performance is at stake. Be supportive and cheer but always be appropriate.

9. MONITOR YOUR CHILD’S STRESS LEVEL AT HOME - Keep an eye on your swimmer to make sure he is handling stress effectively from the various activities in his life.

10. MONITOR EATING AND SLEEPING HABITS - Be sure your child is eating the proper foods and getting adequate enough rest.

11. HELP YOUR CHILD KEEP HER PRIORITIES STRAIGHT - Help your child maintain a focus on schoolwork, relationships and the other important things in life besides swimming. Also’ if your child has made a commitment to swimming, help her keep the priorities around this in mind.

12. “REALITY TEST” FOR YOUR CHILD - If a swimmer comes out of the pool with a personal best time and a last place finish, help him understand that this is a "win". Help him keep things in their proper perspective including losses, disappointments and failures.

13. KEEP SWIMMING IN PERSPECTIVE – Swimming should not be larger than life for you. If your child’s performances elicit strong emotions, keep these away from him. Remember your relationship will continue with your children long after their swimming days are over. Keep your goals and needs out of the pool.

14. BE AN APPROPRIATE LIASION TO THE COACH - Keep the coach informed as to how your child is responding to the experience (when appropriate). If your child is having trouble with something that happened in the pool or with something the coach said, help the child deal with it and if necessary, speak directly with the coach.


by Dr. Alan Goldberg of Competitive Advantage 

WSL Parent Code of Conduct