Our Mission

To inspire our Athletes to
success in swimming and in life within a safe environment.




Our Vision

Compete. Succeed. Lead.
One Stroke at a Time


WSL Anti Bullying Policy

To achieve our goals, we must work together as a team.  Those who cannot follow the rules stated above will not be welcome as part of our program.  Failure to comply with these codes of conduct may result in financial penalties, suspension or dismissal from the Williston Sea Lions swim club.

I understand and agree to the above (attached) terms and conditions of the Williston Sea Lions swim club in exchange for the privilege to participate in the activities and swim program.

Williston Sea Lions registration will stand as agreement to the above conditions.

The USA Swimming Code of Conduct defines bullying in section 304.3.7.  Bullying is the severe or repeated use by one or more USA Swimming members of oral, written, electronic, or other technological expression, image, sound, data, or intelligence of any nature (regardless of the method of transmission), or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at any other member that to a reasonably objective person has the effect of:

  1. Causing physical or emotional harm to the other member or damage to the other member’s property;
  2. Placing the other member in reasonable fear of harm to himself/herself or of damage to his/her property;
  3. Creating a hostile environment for the other member at any USA Swimming activity;
  4. Infringing on the rights of the other member at any USA Swimming activity; or
  5. Materially and substantially disrupting the training process or the orderly operation of any USA Swimming activity (which for the purpose of this section shall include, without limitation, practices, workouts, and other events of a member club or LSC).

Generally, bullying is the use of aggression, whether intentional or not, which hurts another person.  Bullying results in pain and distress.
Source: www.stopbullying.gov – a federal government website managed by the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services

The websites listed contain information and resources to combat bullying.
Action plan to combat bullying containing rules and guidelines set forth by USA Swimming.
Stopbullying.gov – A government website containing information on bullying.