Our Mission

To inspire our Athletes to
success in swimming and in life within a safe environment.




Our Vision

Compete. Succeed. Lead.
One Stroke at a Time


(and your booster hours)


An organization is only as good as its’ volunteers and the Williston Sea Lions Swim Team is no exception. We have been fortunate over the years by a large number of our active volunteers who work hard to make sure the swimming experience is positive for our kids. It takes the help of parents and extended family members with all parts of a swim club to make things run smoothly and effectively. Your involvement contributes to the success WSL Swim Team program and your Swimmer.
By becoming a Certified Official, serving on a Committee and signing up to help during events are great ways to make a difference and jump into the fun. 

As an organization, we require that all participating families fulfill volunteer hours based on the season you are swimming. Any unfulfilled hours will be charged to the members account at the rate of $25 per hour. Hours will be charged by the full hour; partial hours will not be prorated.

Short Course requirements are as follows; Members are required to fulfill 20 volunteer hours between October 1st and April 30th. Unfulfilled hours will be billed to the Members account before registration for the upcoming Long Course Seasion begins. 

Long Course requirements are as follows; Members are required to fulfill 10 volunteer hours between May 1st and August 31st. Unfulfilled hours will be billed to the Members account before registion for the upcoming Short Course Season Opens.

No more than 5 hours per season may be satisfied by providing items for concessions.

**Away meets where timers are required by the hosting team and State Championship meets do not count towards volunteer hour requirements**


When there is a need for volunteers, an email will be sent to all active accounts. This email will list the event for which volunteers are needed and indicate that the job sign-up is open for that event. Please follow these steps to sign-up for a volunteer slot:


1. Log in to the Sea Lions website

2. Click on Meets and Events

3. Find the event that you want to volunteer for

4. On the right side of the screen, click on “Job Sign-up”

5. Click on the box by the job that you are interested in signing up for (usually is a description of the job or donation item)

6. Click “Sign-up” at the top or bottom of the page

7. Type the person who will be volunteering in the Optional Contact Info box or any special notes

8. Click “Sign-up”

9. Verify that your name shows up in the slot that you intended

10. You can always “Remove Sign-up” or edit the slot if needed.

We thank you in advance for being willing to help the club and give these swimmers the best events that we can provide.

Any questions or concerns can be directed to:

Rae Carter


[email protected]

p.s. Please do not let lack of experience keep you from signing up for a job, we will do our best to make sure you feel comfortable with any job you volunteer for. Thanks!


Three ways to earn your service hours: 
1.Train to become a ND-LSC Certified Official (annual commitment satifies your Booster Hour requirements)
2. Volunteer as a committee member or an elected board member
3. Volunteer at WSL hosted swim meets or event


Committee Volunteer is a annual commitment during SC and LC swim season
Concessions Committee 
Swim-A-Thon Committee
Sponsorship Committee
Awards Banquet Committee
Event Committee

To serve on a Committee, please email your interest to: [email protected]


Thank you for your support!

The Williston Sea Lions Swim Club is a designated 501(c)(3) Tax ID # 45-0432456,  tax exempt public charity; all contributions are tax deductible for the donor for the amount In excess of any goods or services received.  We gratefully acknowledge your charitable contribution.