Board of Directors:

  1. How often are board meetings scheduled?
    1. The Board of Directors meets once a month on the second Wednesday of the month. Dates for the Board Meetings will be posted on the website under the “Meets/Events tab”. If meetings are ever going to be rescheduled due to conflicts, emails will be sent out to notify the membership.


  1. How do I contact board members?
    1. Each Board Member is available via email as noted in the Board of Directors page (under "About Us") on the website.


  1. Are non-board members allowed to attend board meetings?
    1. All Board Meetings are open meetings and may be attended by any member. The only exception is when the Board of Directors calls an executive session to discuss sensitive issues.


  1. How can I get an item on the board meeting agenda?
    1. Any member may bring an item to the Board of Directors during the New Business portion of the Board Meeting Agenda. New Business is on the agenda for every Board Meeting. Also you can contact the Board President and they can add any items to the Agenda before the meeting.


  1. Can I see the Bylaws and Team Handbook?
    1. Yes, the Bylaws as well as the Policies and Procedures can be found on the website here.


  1. How can I become a member of the Board of Directors?
    1. Every September at the Annual Membership Meeting, members are nominated by others and then a vote will take place by the entire membership to elect three new board members each year.