Mission: Teach, train, and motivate youth to develop leadership skills and good sportsmanship through swimming.

Our team trains at Dunlap High School.

Season begins April 1 and goes though July 7th and then for those swimming Regionals and beyond through July and maybe into August. 

Those who missed March tryouts and wish to try out for our team may come to any copper level practice.  We will assess if the swimmer is ready to join us at the practice, as that swimmer would need to be able to do what we are working on in that practice.  Contact Head Coach David Snyder at [email protected] if you have any questions or need to find another time to ask to try out.

Those wishing to tryout should be able to swim a length of the pool freestyle (front crawl) stroke non stop with side breathing and a strong kick, and able to swim repeated lengths of the pool free and backstroke.

All that is needed for tryout is to bring a swim suit, towel and a reliable pair of goggles.  If long hair, we recommend a swim cap or hair tie.  We will have parents fill out any needed forms there.

*All tryouts are normally at the Dunlap High School pool. The entrance and parking to the pool is on the west side of the school, just across from the main entrance to the football field.



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5220 Legion Hall Road
Dunlap, IL 61525




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