Team Update February 8th-Welcome to Champ Season

Carolyn Wolfe

Greetings Barracudas!

Happy Champ Season!!!! Our high schoolers are wrapping up their regionals and state meets over the coming weeks and then we launch into YMCA championships in March. It is hectic for many of our families. I will do my best to get updates out as quickly as possible because I know that schedules are tight and the more advanced knowledge you have the easier it is for you.

Team Unify will always be updated before I send out an email. Please check Team-Unify first if you have any questions specific to a meet, workers sign up, an event, practice updates and so on. You can find this stuff under the designated event OR under NEWS. There is also a lot of information (such as committee information) listed on the drop down menu. And remember to check it frequently via the desktop format and not just On Deck. These 2 systems do not always play nice together. The hyperlinks for all of our sign ups are found under their event.

If you have not done so already, please confirm that you have an SMS number verified in Team Unify. This is how you will receive text messages. I use text messages most frequently during champ season to point out an update to Team Unify or send a reminder. Your “On Deck” app will have a notification option. If you prefer the ON Deck over Text Messages make sure your notifications are turned on during champ season. If you do neither you will only receive these updates via email.

Below you will find a champ meet checklist and some other reminders for the end of the season. There is a lot going on!

Please note a mention of coaches gifts and when goody bags will be available. I kindly ask that you please get your bag(s) from the Pep Rally or arrange to have them picked up by a friend. These are NOT available before the Pep Rally for pick up and they will NOT be taken to the champ meets. Your Champ Shirts should be included with the goody bag. The only exception would be if they are not on time, but they usually are. Make sure you check your sizes or if you know there is a size change confirm with Sarah Lucas TODAY. If you do not get a shirt in the correct size, we cannot help you. Extra shirts are not ordered. The biggest mistake is not paying attention to youth and adult size designations.

THANK YOU to those that have been donating via the amazon list! I have received a lot of items already! My front room looks like a warehouse right now. There are still plenty of AMAZON options, however, we still need the items on the regular sign up as well. This is more ideal for the COSTCO warriors. The sign-up items should be brought to the YMCA later in the month.   

Lastly, but most importantly, CHAMP MEET WORKERS are REQUIRED. You have 3 volunteer requirements- 1-The Home Meet 2- The Committee and 3-The Champ Meets. You need to sign up using the link for the meet you are attending and sign up for all sessions that you are attending. This DOES NOT mean you will be working all of those sessions. You will only work one of those sessions unless you did not work at the Home Meet, then it will be 2. I do not have the workers list yet, but most of our jobs are timers, safety patrol and check in people. Thank you in advance for making this easier.

Have a great weekend and as always, if I can help you, please reach out (after you check Team Unify-unify 😊).

Best Regards,
