Spring / Summer 2023 Session New Swimmer Evaluations by Appointment - Contact Coach Tim

[email protected] 

This is for new swimmers to be evaluated for group placement and to provide parents information about RWSC. 


Red Wing Swim Club Trial Period

The Red Wing Swim Club (RWSC) offers a FREE two week trial to allow new swimmers to experience the sport of competitive swimming to see if it is a good fit. Skills to be worked on will be stroke technique, turns and dive starts. The RWSC seeks to provide an opportunity for all swimmers to reach their highest potential as athletes through positive coaching and a team atmosphere. Swimmers should be comfortable in the water and be able to easily swim 25 yards (1 length) of the pool of Freestyle (Front Crawl) and Backstroke (Back Crawl).

The trial is offered during the first 4 weeks of each season.


The Four Competitive Strokes

Your swimmer will learn and improve upon the four competitive strokes: freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. In addition, the swimmer will learn competitive starts, turns, and racing strategy.

Freestyle - In freestyle events, swimmers may swim whatever stroke they would like. Most commonly used is the front crawl, which is why coaches, swimmers and parents refer to the front crawl as freestyle. The arms alternate over the surface of the water while the legs flutter kick.

Backstroke -This stroke is easily identifiable as the only one done on the back. It is done using an alternating arm motion combined with a flutter kick. Backstrokers may flip onto their stomach to change direction at the wall, but it must be done in a continuous motion, with no more than one stroke permitted on the stomach. The swimmer must finish the race on the back.

Breaststroke -The breaststroke is done with a two-arm simultaneous stroke. The hands are pressed out from in front of the breast in a heart shaped pattern and recovered under or on the surface of the water. The kick is a simultaneous, somewhat circular motion, similar to the action of a frog. On turns and the finish, the swimmer must touch the wall with both hands, simultaneously at, above, or below the water surface.

Butterfly - Butterfly is done using a two arm simultaneous stroke with an above water recovery along with a wave-like dolphin kick. In the kick, the swimmer must keep both legs together and not flutter, scissors, or use the breaststroke kick. Both hands must touch the wall on the turns and finish.


Please email our Head Coach Tim ( [email protected] )  with any questions!  We would love for you to join and have fun being apart of our awesome team!