Condors Return to the Pool

Dave Hedden

It’s a great feeling to be back at the pool! Our team’s planning and hard work paid off and it’s a huge relief to see every group swimming again. The Condors have set very high standards for safety, and our coaches appreciate the swimmers’ commitment to following the new procedures for the well-being of our team. 

Thank you to all of the volunteers that have helped these past two weeks with the check-in and screening process. Our team will continue to rely on your help throughout the COVID pandemic.  We know that swimming has a huge impact on our athletes’ mental and physical health and many parents have expressed an outpouring of support and gratitude for their children having the sport back in their lives. As coaches, swimming is our passion and we are elated to be back with the athletes doing what we love. Our club’s main short-term priority has been a safe return to practice in both Rockland and Westchester, and I am proud that we have accomplished this goal.