Mission:  Metropolitan Swimming shall promote, develop and improve competitive swimming through education, support, and opportunities for participation, to a diverse swimming community.
Vision:  To inspire and provide quality opportunities for our members to achieve excellence in the sport of competitive swimming.

13 Metro Swimmers at Eastern Regional Diversity Select Camp

Annette Mackrel

Congratulations to all our Metro swimmers attending the 2023 Eastern Regional Diversity Select Camp.

Brianna DeCasseres - Westchester Aquatic Club

Elizabeth Birch - Asphalt Green Unified Aquatics

Emmanuel Yepez - Westchester Aquatic Club

Evangeline Johnson - Asphalt Green Unified Aquatics

Julien Shao - Asphalt Green Unified Aquatics

Mason Crowley - Northern Dutchess Aquatic Club

Matthew Chang - Queens Aquatic Club

Moyan Qian - Asphalt Green Unified Aquatics

Oliver Shao -  Asphalt Green Unified Aquatics

Riley Martinez - Long Island Express

Rohan Mehra - Asphalt Green Unified Aquatics

Sophie Reis - Westchester Aquatic Club

Yuna Lee  - Long Island Aquatic Club




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