MOR Office - 919-851-3000

Finances - [email protected] or 919-851-4414

Head Coach - Sr Elite Raleigh - Paul Silver - [email protected]


Raleigh Coaches:

Chris Gleason (AG1, AG2, AG3, SR1) - [email protected]

Thomas Hamlet (AG4, SR2/3) - [email protected]


North Raleigh Coaches:

Cara Cameron  (AG1, MOR in May) - [email protected]

Billy Thorne (AG3 and AG4) - [email protected]

Mike Laubacher (Senior Elite) - [email protected]

Ian Hilbrant (AG2 and Senior 1) - [email protected]


Silverton (Cary) Coaches:

Lindsay Takkunen (AG 4, Swim League) - [email protected]

Paul Elaisa (SR1, AG2) - [email protected]

Zandy Knoke (AG1, AG3, Masters) - [email protected]


Riverwood (Clayton) Coach:

John Fischetti - [email protected]