Listed below is a brief description of the volunteer positions that need to be filled for almost every meet. None of the jobs are especially difficult and simple training is provided before the start of the meet. If you are brand new to the sport of swimming, the jobs of timer, runner, bull pen, and head timer are good places to start.
ANNOUNCER: Announcers have a script they read from that also has the times they are to be made. If you are announcing a prelims/finals meet, you may also announce the places of the finishers and may be asked to play music. Announcements are made from the meet manager room closest to the office.
DAKTRONICS: This person runs the Daktronics timing console during a Home meet. The function of the console is to process the automated timing data that is sent from the touchpads and forward that data to the scoreboard and the scoring computer. You could be working in the meet manager room by the warm up pool or the one by the offices.
HEAD TIMER: Is in charge of the lane timers throughout the meet. The head timer has the authority to remove and replace any lane timer, with the approval of the home meet director. You primarily start your watches and look for timers that need to exchange their watch with yours if they miss the start of the event.
LANE TIMERS: Records the swimmer’s time. Each timer is provided a stopwatch, a plunger and assigned a lane; there are two timers for each lane. All times are recorded on a sheet by one timer. 15 minutes before the start of the meet, timers are given detailed instructions on how to perform these tasks. This job gives you the best view of the pool and the swimmers during their races.
BULL PEN/READY BENCH: Supervises the waiting area for a particular age group during meets and keeps track of swimmers - as best as they reasonably can - between events, and gets swimmers to the ready bench on time with caps and goggles. For most age groups, several parents will share this job. This position is obviously more important for the younger swimmers, and the Bull Pen parents for the youngest ages (6 & under and 7-8) are especially critical to the timely start of the meet. This job keeps you with your swimmer during the whole meet. It may be required to mark arms of swimmers with event/heat/lane, or distribute event cards for relays.
RUNNER: Responsible for obtaining the completed event papers and DQ forms for each race from the timers and judges. The cards and DQ forms are delivered to the meet manager room. The job title is very descriptive. Runners should have good tennis shoes that work well on slippery wet surfaces. This job keeps you moving around at the poolside and the time passes quickly.
AWARDS/RIBBONS: Determines the winner of each individual event heat and awards that swimmer a heat winner ribbon/or medal. This could also entail labeling and distributing ribbons after the meet. Make sure you look at the description carefully before you sign up.