Fundraising policy committee meets Tuesday; Racing Friday

Sara Minogue
Hi all,
A reminder that a committee will meet Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 7 pm at the Co-op to start reviewing our fundraising policy. Anyone interested in helping craft this new policy is welcome to attend. 
The board will meet Thursday, Feb. 22, at 7 pm, also at the Co-op. 
As mentioned, we will hold our annual general meeting for 2022/2023 on the evening of April 11 at the Co-op. 
And a reminder: If you want to check where you're at with your fundraising obligations and travel account, Angie Viloria keeps a spreadsheet with this information. Drop her a note and she can fill you in. 
Find Angie on Facebook/messenger, [email protected] or 867-444-1231. 
This is important as we're hoping to see all of the money that's been fundraised used for travel this year, before the end of June. 
Raffle success
Thanks to all who sold raffle tickets. This year's winner was Travis Wright, who took home $12,500, on a ticket sold by the Gowman family. 
And big thanks to Derek MacKinnon for organizing an excellent fundraiser. It was amazing to see ALL of our tickets sold, and hilarious to hear the entire swim club call up Travis after the meet last weekend and tell him the good news.
Friday Night at the Races
A reminder that Friday, Feb. 23, is our next Friday Night at the Races for Cubs and up. Please come out and help time if you're available from 4:30-6:30 pm. 
Thanks all!
Handy dates
Feb. 23 - Friday Night at the Races #4
March 1-3 - Swim Alberta provincial trials in Edmonton
March 7-10 - Champs in Calgary
March 8-24 - March Break
March 29 - April 1 - April Easter Break
April 6-7 - Away meet in Edson, Alta.
April 11 - 2022/23 AGM
May 10-12 - Mother’s Day Meet
May 17 - wrap-up
June 7-6 - Wolfpack Invitational in Kamloops, BC