Please see the attached fee schedule:

YKPB 2023-24 Fee Schedule

Some notes on our fees:
Swim club fees cover two main costs: swim lane rental from the City of Yellowknife and the salary of our head coach. 
The $250 registration fee is non-fundable once your swimmer has been registered. Most of this money goes directly to Swim Canada for administrative/insurance purposes.
The fundraising fees ($320 annually for Gold, Silver, Bronze and Cubs and $220 for Sharks, Belugas and Dolphins) are in addition to the total costs for the season outlined in the above fee schedule. 
These fundraising fees should be considered part of your total swim costs; if you choose not to fundraise, you can simply pay these fees at the end of the season. 
Throughout the season, we'll offer opportunities for swimmers/guardians to raise funds to put towards these fees. These typically include bingos, grocery bagging and anything else our members come up with. Funds raised are credited to individual members and tracked in a spreadsheet kept by our fundraising director. 
Families who meet their fundraising quotas may also fundraise money towards the cost of travel to meets. This money is held by the club but tracked in a spreadsheet tied to individual families. 
The board is currently reviewing this fee/fundraising structure. 
- Updated by Sara Minogue: Oct. 16, 2023