Bingo Aug. 1, claiming travel funds
Hi all,
We have volunteer opportunities available for our next bingo, Thursday, Aug. 1.
For those who don't know, we help run bingos in order to give parents/families opportunities to fundraise for their swimmers.
The time slots are 4:30 to 7:30 and 7-10 pm.
Each person who works a slot earns $100 towards their swimming fundraising quota or travel fund. Anyone over 16 can volunteer.
Contact Angie Viloria with questions or to sign up: 867-444-1231, [email protected] or message her on Facebook.
Claiming travel funds
Now that we're at the end of our season, it's time for people to claim the funds they've raised for their swimmer. To do so, please collect your travel receipts (flights, hotels, meals, car rental) and submit them to Angie. Angie can also tell you exactly how much money you have in your travel fund.
She'll approve the receipts and we'll get you a cheque.
Questions? Reply to this note or text me: 867-446-1432.