FAST is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with over 350 active swimmers, offering swim programs for people of all ages and experience levels, ranging from lessons to Masters.  The sport of swimming provides its participants with the tools needed to become a champion in life.  However, facilitating the needs of our rapidly growing team is a challenge.  

Fast raises money throught the year as the team looks to supplement Here is an outline of events usually offered by season.

Member families, individuals and companies can become a sponsor in one of three ways: either by making cash contributions via a sponsorship, by contributing items or services needed to support our team (beverages, food, equipment, etc.) and by supporting the various small fundraisers organized by our member families. There is sure to be one fundraiser that fits both of our needs. 

First, let's look at sponsorships with FAST. You may be asking yourself "Why should I support FAST"? Here are a few reasons why:

FAST Swimmers are:

  • goal-oriented individuals who are loyal to their sport 
  • an attractive demographic - FAST families have above average incomes
  • college bound, whether or not they continue with the sport
  • leaders and influencers in their peer group
  • lead healthy lifestyles

FAST is dedicated to enabling youth to learn how to swim

FAST accommodates all children regardless of swim level, disability or specific needs. FAST strives to reach youth not only to teach them how to swim, but to hopefully create lifelong swimmers.

FAST builds champions in life and in the pool

The sport of swimming provides its participants with the tools needed to become a champion in life.  Every day, our members learn the lifelong skills of personal responsibility, time management, perseverance, dedication and the resilience that extends past the boundaries of the pool deck and into the home, classroom, and office.  Children who swim are more likely to be healthy, have positive self-esteem, and make friends.  They are apt to excel in school, at work, and in life.  

For more information on FAST's sponsorship program, please email our fundraising chairperson here.


FAST raises money throughout the year as the team looks to supplement it's income to pay for equipment needs. Here is an outline of events usually offered by season.

  • Swim-a-Thon - FAST usually hold's the team Swim-A-Thon on the first weekend of April. The team gathers to raise money, swim and have a fun team exercise.

  • Corportate matching gift programs - these programs are offered by companies to encourage and support their employees giving. Find out if your company matches your donations. There is a list of companies who match.  Double your donation to the team!