PDST 2024 March News: Monthly Schedule, private lesson, swim meet

Leon Li

Below is the news for March 2024:

As we've got the latest updates, the Hazen pool may return in March. However, the confirming date is still pending.
Under this situation, and with the Champ meet month coming, PDST has decided to keep the current schedule without the Hazen pool in March. We look forward to the Hazen pool returning soon, and the schedule may be updated in late March. PDST will inform all members as soon as we can.
There are great news for us in March:
1) PDST has arranged more pool time at Seattle University on Thursday;
2) Big surprise! PDST confirmed lanes with KCAC on Monday and Tuesday for Senior Group training! 3/11 and 3/12 will be LCM training for Senior Speedo Champ; 3/18 and 3/19 will be SCY training preparing Regional Champ. It's a big shoot for our swimmers warming up the racing!
The Long course training will continue after the Champ Meet in late March and April, and we look forward to attending the International Invi Meet in Vancouver, Canada, in May!
3) All other groups may have make-up training highlighted yellow on the schedule. PDST will arrange more practice once we confirm the Hazen pool return date.
Like coach Xu always said, Success belongs to persevering!


1. monthly schedule

The January schedule is posted on the PDST website(first page- schedule Bar -monthly schedule). The yellow highlights are the adjustments from the annual plan. 



The planning schedule for April-July (with all pools returned) is posted on the website(annual schedule bar) already. Please take a look:



3. Private lesson

The latest Private lesson schedule is on the website now. Please take a look:

There will be two biweekly slots from 10:00-10:30 am on Saturday at MW (highlighted green on the schedule). Please send your application to [email protected] no sooner than 11:00 am, 2/22. First come, first serve, no accept through WeChat.


3. Dryland schedule & instruction

Please notice that the 4:00-5:00 pm dryland is online dryland. PDST deck coach will be the supervisor and instructor during the training. Please check the link below for all the training videos and schedule information. Start in March, the dryland will be on Monday and Tuesday only.


Below is the sharing link with

1) training program schedule for each group per day

2) video demos:



You can find the link on the PDST monthly schedule page as well. Below is the Zoom invitation info:

Title: PDST Zoom meeting


ID: 718 681 380

Code: pdst2020


4. Swim Meet

We need volunteers for the Last Chance meet! Please give your hand to PDST!

Please sign up: https://www.gomotionapp.com/team/pnpdst/controller/cms/admin/index#/calendar-team-events/job:1482891


Best Regards,

Coach Leon from PDST