PDST News: Vote The Most Helpful Swimmer, Travel Meet policy

Leon Li

Dear PDST members,


1, Travel Meet

The first Long Course meet is coming!

Swimmers and parents, please sign the Pacific Dragons Swim Team TEAM TRAVEL Policy and return it to me before the travel meet. Swimme must have a signed form to attend the travel meet. Please find the form on the PDST website: MEET INFO-General Meet info, or you can use the link below:

Pacific Dragons Swim Team travel policy

A dinner party will be on Saturday evening, 5/4; PDBC is working on the restaurant booking. Please contact Coach Leon if you are interested but haven't joined the dinner party group on WeChat.



2, PDST Vote The Most Helpful Swimmer


The PDST Annual party will be on June 8th, 2024. At the party, we will reward the most helpful swimmer, best-attend swimmer, most improved swimmer, best performance in practice, and great spirit swimmer at the meet for each group and announce the annual Relay team and annual swimmer of PDST.

I want all your swimmers to vote for the most helpful swimmers in each group. What does the helpful swimmer mean? A swimmer would like to lend a hand to others when they need help. A swimmer always listens and encourages the swim mates, is self-managed, is coachable, and is always nice to others. A swimmer leads the group to attend the training and meet adequately.

The deadline for the vote is May 26th, 2024. Below is the VOTE link for each group. Please vote for once only:

Senior: https://forms.gle/wTiXqWYybu8rBBK27

Adv2: https://forms.gle/p3uJ2LyPm4ga7CXL6

Adv1: https://forms.gle/mXhauSpJ1dGeeYwDA

HSG2: https://forms.gle/uBdf5qs9Swod85oS6

HSG1: https://forms.gle/YDW2NVPpzX2kuTi37

Regional: https://forms.gle/wNosKLJHFq1Jt7pU7

Age: https://forms.gle/GRP3qx67ykYpiJwm7

Novice: https://forms.gle/uXtvLJuZnhouCgMG8

Developmental: https://forms.gle/1Tkd2hADhLr2KLAt6

Pre-comp: https://forms.gle/MPaDyHs13wovSDp18

Flyfish: https://forms.gle/TxhQZ2FDigdBasZY8

Pre-Dragons: https://forms.gle/oV86pLUT9YGvtrv4A



Best Regards,

Coach Leon from PDST