Our swim team is wholly operated by volunteers. Please understand each family registered is required to volunteer in order for their swimmers to participate. We work to limit the number of required volunteer jobs in order to operate our events but are required by Delmarva Swim to provide volunteers or the events will not start.

Swim Team Committee

There is a small group of volunteers who meet quarterly to organize the team. If you'd like to participate beyond the summer season please email [email protected] and we'll be happy to have you join.


The meets we participate in require a minimum number of volunteers to operate. Our responsibility is different for home versus away meets. The following volunteer jobs will be available for sign-up.

  • Starter / Referee (1*)
    This person is in charge of the meet and is responsible for competitive activities.
  • Coordinator / Scorer (1*)
    The person is responsible for volunteer check-in/training along with operating the scoring & timing system.
  • Announcer / Scoreboard (1*)
    The best voice on the team and has the ability to update our scoreboard ;)
  • Clerk of Course (1*)
    Individual responsible for organizing the swimmers for their heat. Operates the "bullpen" seating.
  • Stroke & Turn Officials (2-3*)
    Trained DSA officials responsible for monitoring swimmer technique and reporting disqualifications.  Please consider training to be an official (it only takes one Zoom meeting).
  • Timers & Recorders (7)
    These folks are responsible for using our stopwatches to record swimmer times. There is a brief training prior to each meet to introduce the timing system and how those times are recorded. Generally, there is a minimum of 2 timers per lane with one from each team.
  • Bullpen Assistant (2)
    The person assisting the Clerk of Course to organize the bullpen lineup of swimmers.
  • Lane Sheets & DQ Slip Runners (2)
    The volunteers responsible for the collection of paperwork from the timers and officials.
  • Ribbons (2)
    This dynamic duo will be responsible for the processing of ribbons.

* Denotes a job that is consistently filled by the same volunteer and is seeking a backup.

Beyond Meets

We also will have volunteer jobs open for our Time Trials, Banquet, and Championships. 

Volunteer Sign-up & Check-in

Learn to sign-up for volunteer positions through lycswim.org or OnDeck. Positions will be posted by June 6th.

Volunteers should expect check-in with the coordinator around 5 PM with timers & recorders participating in a meeting at 5:30 PM to review responsibilities.

Officials Training

Learn about how easy it is to become an official .

Frequent Questions

How many times will my family have to volunteer?
We expect each family to volunteer between 3 and 4 times for the 2024 season.

Can I split my volunteer position with another family?
We aren't able to record split volunteer jobs in TeamUnify. So, one family won't get credit for volunteering.

What happens if a meet is canceled or rescheduled?
We have to coordinate a whole new meet which will require an additional set of volunteers. Basically, the "minimum" volunteer level is raised and our team will need to produce additional volunteers. This has happened in the past with rain-out meets and meets that have moved to our location due to our opponent's facility having troubles.

I volunteered many times in previous seasons, do I really need to volunteer 3-4 times this season?


Upcoming Events