Barracudas 2021 Officials Needed

Calling all Officials…old and new and those who would like to be Officials!!

We are looking for some wonderful people that can support our swimmers, help the Barracudas have a great season and also learn something. Officials play such an important role at every meet. Frankly, we can’t run a meet without them. The title seems more daunting than it really is.  There is training before the season starts and you will ease into the role with on-the-job training and support from the existing Officials.  You will learn so much about proper strokes, turns, touches, starts and how the meet operates.  It really is an exciting place to watch the growth of all of the swimmers and simultaneously volunteer in a way that grows your knowledge.   

For both new and returning Officials, all that is required is attending one of Midlakes’s two Stroke and Turn virtual trainings. These are being held next week on Tuesday the 18th and Wednesday the 19th both at 5pm Virtually. Click here for more information including the training links: Midlakes Swim League : Officials Training (

Last minute reminder: registration will close on May 15th for the 2021 summer swim season. The cost is $165/swimmer. Go to the Barracudas website to sign up: Fairwood Golf & Country Club - Barracudas : (

Please note: All Officials, including returning Officials, need to take the training every year.

We hope to find more Officials for the 2021 season. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can connect you to one of Fairwood’s current Officials.

Thank you,

Tracy McDonald & Elaine Theriot

Fairwood Barracudas Co-Parent Reps