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SVY Tritons Dynamic Warmup

The purpose of a dynamic warmup routine is to provide swimmers with the exercises necessary to correctly and adequately stretch and ready the body and muscles for more intense physical activity. This should take approximately 10 minutes to complete, and can be used before a swim meet. We recommend swimmers arrive 10 minutes early to practice to do the following routine:

  • 10x jumping jacks

  • 10x Neck circles each direction (clockwise + counterclockwise)

  • 10x arm swings (switch arm on top halfway through)

  • 10x arm circles

  • 5x inchworms each with 2 Scapular pushups

  • 10x leg swings (each side)

  • 10x worlds greatest stretch - 5 each side then new lead foot [example of world's greatest stretch]

Avoid any static stretching during warm up or before physical activity. Research has shown that this type of stretching can lower performance and physical output. [1]


A normal in-water swim warmup should already be dynamic and provide all the precautionary measures to ensure athlete safety and help prevent injury, but the addition of an out-of-water, or "dryland," dynamic warmup should further supplement each swimmer.


During a swim meet, there may be times where warm-ups are shortened to accommodate timelines or large volumes of swimmers, and in-water warmups may not be sufficient. In these cases, a coach or swimmer can lead the Tritons Dynamic Warmup for the whole team as it will be mostly the same among all practice groups! There may be slight variations, but these will be taught during practice.














[1] Page P. Current concepts in muscle stretching for exercise and rehabilitation. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2012 Feb;7(1):109-19. PMID: 22319684; PMCID: PMC3273886.