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What is Safe Sport?

USA Swimming is committed to fostering a fun, healthy, and safe environment for all its members, and in 2010, it formally implemented a comprehensive Safe Sport program to respond to and prevent instances of abuse and misconduct within the sport of swimming.  Since then USA Swimming Safe Sport has worked tirelessly to educate members, put policies in place, and empower LSCs and clubs to create the best possible environments for all members.

Full implementation of the Safe Sport Program involves six key components:

  1. Policies and Guidelines
  2. Screening and Selection
  3. Training and Education
  4. Monitoring and Supervision
  5. Recognizing, Responding, and Reporting
  6. Grassroots Engagement and Feedback

To learn more about Safe Sport, visit the USA Swimming Safe Sport Page.

Additionally, USA Swimming provides free training videos for parents and swimmers.

SVYA Mission Statement:

Develop Champions in Life through Excellence in Swimming.

SVYA Vision Statement:

The mission of SVY Aquatics is to provide a safe and supportive environment that ensures participants the opportunity to achieve their potential as athletes through swimming.

To fully realize the mission and vision, the level of participation of the swimmers, parents, and coaches must embody a commitment to the team, a commitment to teammates, and the acceptance of a personal role in the pursuit of excellence.

In keeping with our belief that we are building future leaders, we provide an opportunity for success through a commitment to excellence and inclusiveness by teaching the value of a strong work ethic, integrity, discipline, teamwork, and sportsmanship through swimming. 

SVYA Safe Sport Support

Skagit Valley YMCA Aquatics Swim Team is committed to safeguarding the well-being of all of its members, with the welfare of its athlete members as the top priority.

If you have any Safe Sport questions or concerns, please contact:

USA Swimming Safe Sport
As members of USA Swimming, the coaching staff is mandated reporters. A mandated reporter is a person who, because of his or her profession, is legally required to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the relevant authorities. These laws are in place to prevent children from being abused and to end any possible abuse or neglect at the earliest possible stage.

MAAP Policy 2.0 - effective starting September 1, 2021

How to File a Safe Sport Grievance

Reporting at the Club Level:

SVYA Grievance Process

Contact SVYA Safe Sport Chair: Justin Davies - Email [email protected]

Reporting at the National Level:

USA Swimming - Contact (719) 866 4578. Deal With a Safe Sport Concern

U.S. Center for SafeSport- Contact (833) 587-7233. Online Reporting Form

More Information- Find more information regarding Safe Sport here