Board of Directors

The Meadowbrook Woods Swim Team is governed by a Board of Directors (BOD) consisting of seven voting members elected for one season beginning the third Monday in August through the third Sunday in August of the following year. Board members may serve for up to three consecutive years in the same position. The BOD is made up of parents or legal guardians of a swimmer who will be a member of the team in the upcoming season. The board is a working board with members assuming various duties required to run the swim team. The BOD meets monthly at a date/time convenient to those serving. Board meetings are open to parents, volunteers, community members or other interested parties. Individuals who wish to attend a regularly-scheduled meeting to address the Board should provide one week’s advance notice so they may be placed on the agenda.

The BOD is scheduled to meet on the following dates in 2024/2025 starting at 7:30PM at the Meadowbrook Woods Clubhouse.
February 20, March 19, April 16, May 21, August 27, September 24, October 22, November 19, January 28, February 25
Parents are welcome to attend board meetings but should communicate any items to discuss or any requests to participate in the meetings in advance. Please see the Bylaws, #13 for more informaiton. 
Should you have any questions regarding the management of the team, please do not hesitate to contact any one of the Board members.

2024 Season Board of Directors

Member Name

Victor Rossi



Shayna Russo


Vice President

Jessie Maillard



Nicole Hawver



Gwen Arredondo



Qing Wu



Amanda Carlson

Meet Manager