A parent's primary responsibility is to support their child. The second responsibility is to support the team. To have a successful program, there must be understanding and cooperation among parents, swimmers and coaches. The progress of your child and the team depends to a great extent on this triangular relationship.

The swimmers are instructed to listen to their coach.  If they are hearing conflicting direction from the home, it can cause confusion for the swimmer.  If you have a question, complaint or concern, please contact the coach directly, away from your swimmer.  If you think that your concern has not been adequately responded to, please contact any member of the board.

Parents are vital to the growth and success of the team.  All parents are expected to volunteer.  There are many opportunities to step up and support VAST.  Become a board member, join a committee, or become an official.  All parents are expected to help with fundraisers. We welcome all fundraising ideas from the parents.

All parents are expected to time at meets, if needed.  Some regular season meets that the team attends will ask for volunteer timers and all state meets require each team to provide timers.